20. Church Bells

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Draft two. Didn't like the first one. this one is much cooler.

This is church bells, the squeakel. Cuz the first one is in the first book.

All chapter twenties will be church bells. Probably.

Should I count new comments on the first book?

I will. I'm so nice... cause it was a twofer.

12 comments outta 20 (yeah bitches, 3+. Sorry for calling you bitches.)



I know the lyrics well.

Um so that also means

8 votes outta 15

9 fans outta 10 (so close!)

and 4.25 outta 10 father comments. OMG. Two Niall, 4.25 Harry! That's drama right there.

Ok, Eminell. 

PS. Not going to update until I get the last father vote... sorry.

I can't decide, Allright?


Places of woship have always been my santcuary from the real world. It doesn't matter if it's Ankor Wat or St. Peter's Basilica, I feel... loved? Sort of. At home? No, more like a stranger. I feel more like I'm getting a wake up call as to what the higher powers of the world are.

Personally, I'm a Christian. I have respect for all religions, because there isn't a reason not to. So that's why after I kicked Harry out of my house for the week and got the twins at day camp, I finally went.

It was a wendsday, so nobody happened to be there. This church happened to be an episcopalian one. I sat in one of the pews, just letting the feeling sink in. 

The alter, with shafts of lights aluminating the wooden podium, and church bells ringing. People started filing in. Little girls in matching dresses stood at the front with pamphlets. I walked out the front of the church and right into a wedding photo. 

Whoops. I apoligized, but the bride waved it off. She seemed so at ease. Her groom seemed slightly tense. I crossed the short lawn to the pavement. Tut tut, it looks like rain.

I knew exactly where to go. 

The taxi dropped me off, and my skirt was batting against my legs. There was a strorm brewing, and the wind was vicious. I didn't mind. This was a test of bravery, in a way. 

My hair was going to get dressed, the rain and thunder was brewing like stew. I strode up to the building across from the lake. Tourists were nowhere to be seen. I guess a storm was something they were going to sit out.

I finally pushed open the door of the  Sikh temple. The only one in the whole continent just so happened to be in my very own town. It was empty. No alter, no pews. No glass panels. Just sterile.

I stayed there for the longest time, just lost in time and thought, letting the pouring of rain above me be heard. 

After almost falling asleep, I left and wandered about town aimlessly. Nowhere to be, no way to get there anywhere. My shirt at this point was dripping, but that was fine. It was raining sideways, but that's ok. The wind was pushing my hair back so it was whipping in my face, but that's ok.

I walked past the Jamba Juice, past the cafe. I walked past houses, and the lake. I walked for so long that the sun was now starting to set. I finally ended up in somewhere that looked very familiar.

Oh. The church bells chimed. And then it clicked.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 

When I finally got home, i dashed to the kitchen table, and saw it there. The paternity test. Returned. 

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