38. Degas

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Miss me, dudes?


Assez bien?


Picasso of words xx


My children were stolen from me. Not literally. Some old dance friend had a daughter, and I thought they called to chat with me, but infact they didn't know I had even left england. They were asking for a playdate.

Henry, on the other hand, was out with Niall. Movies and Laser tag. I rolled my eyes at this. Niall knows his way to the boy's heart. I feel like Hen is warming up to him, thank goodness.

I was sitting down and reading, finally. Nothing sexy. I was reading about the U.S.S.R., so not sexy. At all. I confess to being a history nerd.

My heart was beating as I was on the third chapter of the cuban missle crisis. 

I... I need a life.

It's not good when your daugther has for friends than you. Brilliantly awkard, actually.

My phone buzzing, tickling my butt. I found it, lifted it, answered it without checking the caller ID.


"Hey babe," Harry.

"So I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me."


"Tonight at seven?"

"I... I need to find someone to watch the twins."

"Liam can."

"Are you sure he'd-"

"it's Liam."

"That doesn-"

"I will get him to watch them. Don't do anything to that beautiful face of yours, but wear something you like."

"That tells me nothing. I'm assuming this is a suprise?"

"A dazzling one."

"Are we going to the war museum?" I mused.

"Damn it, you figured me out."

"Haha, ok. What are we doing?"

He paused a bit. Chuckling could be heard.

"Nothing. Just look like you want to."

"That tells me-"



I checked my watch. It was four fifty seven. So I have about two hours. That's plenty of time. Right?


I tiptoed up to the guest bedroom, where I had been air-matressing it on the floor, half in the closet. Which was empty, so it wasn't painful. My bag was above it, so I yanked it down by the strap.

Clothes spewed about the matress, and a bra fell on the floor.

Oh, well, whatever.

I took my phone out an jammed up the Kanye West. That's right, Kanye west.

I knew all the words, and wiggled my hips, choosing my look. I don't want to look too casual. I mean, dress nicely, right?

I wasn't going to wear heels, because knowing Harry, this could involve some moving about.

I settled with:

pale minty-blue color silk dress with gold flowers on it, with straps. Black booties, with wedges, so it's not immoble.

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