33. Suze

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I have two new fans. 

They're fabulous. I'd call them out and embarass them,

but I had a good day today.

I cried writing this. I don't cry at anything.

Elle. (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)


So, as it would turn out, Henry's fever may in fact be apart of something larger. I was sat down with the head doctor of the childhood cancer ward.

Childhood cancer ward. I repeat, childhood. Cancer. Ward. Adolecent. Cancer. Ward. Cancer. Ward. Cancer. Ward. Cancer. Cancer. Cancer. Childhood Cancer Ward. I let the words roll about in my head, never daring to let them fly off my tonge.

Harry wanted to go with me. By this time, it was four in the morning, and they had gotten Hen to a stable condition. Thank god. They'll let me in when everything's more stable. Apperently my medical licence doesn't transfer here.

"Room... 3... 41?"

"Like the store."

"I suppose."

I said, feeling really defeated. Henry cannot have cancer. They're bullshitting me.

"You look really pretty..." Harry said, loosely draping his arm about my shoulder.


 "Everything's going to be fine. I've only known him for so long, but he's a strong young lad."

I just shook my head. When Henry got sick, it took him weeks to fight it off. He complained of fatigue constantly. Got throbbing headaches that just caused him to lie down for hours every couple months. He threw up every know and then. He got dizzy. He's the only seemingly healthy eight year old who's fainted thrice.

How did I not see this earlier? I became a doctor so I could protect the children in my stomach.

We found the room number, and sat pushed the door open.

It was one of those cheaply decorated room that was meant to look nice. Fake potted plants, those terrible cushioned chairs, ugly carpet.

Shades drawn, for at this hour at night, or now I suppose morning. I suddenly became very aware of the clothes I was wearing, feeling uncomfortable against my skin, and the shoes which felt so heavy. 

"Ms. Thompson?"


The woman with shiny black hair swiveled around, and gasped.


"Suze. Long time no see," I said.

"That's another conversation. But so your son. I have some questions to ask."

"Fire away."

"You and Mr. Styles can sit down."

So we did.

"First off, how many fevers has Henry gotten in the past year?"


"How many times has he gotten a virus, such as the common cold-"

"In the past year?"



"has Henry recently suffered from aches, pains, and lack of energy? Rank it on a scale of one to ten."

"Seven point... four."

"Does Henry suffer from chronic headaches?"

"On occasion."

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