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A paragraph that is on a italicized format with an emoji of ⏳ means it is a flashback..


Everyone is excited. Chenle's heart transplant was a success, the compatibility of the heart from the donor is 100%. His body didn't reject the heart and is now fully functioning. Now, they were waiting for this moment.

They will now check if the eyes transplant was a success too. Taeyeon and Heechul watches with excitement as the doctor slowly removes the bandage from Chenle's eyes. After removing, all was left are the two round bandages that covers his eyes.

"Are you ready, Chenle?" the doctor asked. Chenle smiled widely, couldn't contain his excitement. "Super excited, Doctor!" he cheerfully said, making them laugh. "Here it goes.." the doctor slowly pulled out the round bandages.

"Open your eyes, Chenle.."

The boy slowly opened his eyes, revealing a dilating, shining blue color. Heechul stood there in awe. "Woah.. The eyes looks good on him.. How did you managed to find a donor like that, sis?"

Taeyeon nods. "You're right.. It's beautiful on him.. To be honest, oppa, I really don't know but I am super thankful to that donor.."

Chenle covered his eyes due to the bright light, he blinks and opened his eyes again, looking at his mother and his uncle. "Mom?" he asked. Taeyeon starts to tear up. "Can you see me, Lele?" Chenle starts to cry too. "Mom! I can see you now!"

Taeyeon quickly went to his son and engulfes him on a heartwarming hug. She was really happy to see her son, getting the second chance to live again.

In the span of 1 year of resting, since Chenle can read before, using the Braille System, Heechul didn't experienced any hard time teaching Chenle to read using alphabet. While he was at home before the transplant, Heechul also home-schooled him and registered him so that it can be accredited and can apply to college.

Heechul is a teacher at a local highschool, and he devoted his time and effort for free. When Chenle was young, they discovered that he has a beatiful voice. They thought he was a prodigy since he can easily memorize tones and read music pieces using Braille system.


That's why Heechul is really thankful that Chenle got accepted on a prestigious university that majors on music and arts. However, his sister is the problem. "What's the matter with you, sis? You literally stomped the kid's dream.."

Taeyeon frowns. "I was just scared for him, oppa.. Plus, the university.. It is administered by him.." Heechul looks at her. "Taeyeon.. Look at me.." The woman turns her gaze to her brother.

"Chenle is blind his whole life.. Literally, this was his second chance to live again.. And you are taking away that chance for him to see the world.. It's okay to be afraid.. That's why were here to guide him..

Taeyeon sighed. "Now go and talk to him.." She stood up and went to Chenle's bedroom. She softly knocked on the door before entering, revealing Chenle hiding under the blankets, sniffling.

"Lele.. Can we talk?" The boy peeked slowly on his blanket. "I'm really sorry for what I said earlier.. Guess that I was just scared for you.. I realized that I am taking the chance away from you to explore the world.."

Chenle slowly sits up and wipes his eyes. "I'm sorry too, Mom.. For getting angry and yelling at you.."

Taeyeon smiled. "I understand you, Lele.. I am now giving my permission to you to study there.." His eyes widened and his face brightened due to happiness. "Really?! Thank you, Mom!" he engulfes his mother on a tight hug.

Taeyeon hugged back and pulled away, kissing his forehead. "I made your favorite kimchi stew with lots of spam!" Chenle clapped his hands happily, quickly stood up from the bed and runs towards the kitchen.

"Yaaaah! Wait for me!" Taeyeon laughs, running after her son.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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