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Arriving at Jisung's parent's house, Chenle was in awe

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Arriving at Jisung's parent's house, Chenle was in awe. For him, it was the biggest house that he has ever seen. He was so amazed, since it was his first time to see a mansion in real life. "Woah.. Your house looks amazing, Jisung!" Chenle praised.

Jisung was smiling while looking at Chenle. "It was my parent's house, Chenle.. Shall we go in now?" he asked. The smaller looks at him worriedly. "Are you sure that I can come in with you?" The taller laughs then grabbed his hand before walking towards the gate.

Holding each other's hand became their routine. As for Chenle, it has no special meaning at all, mainly, because of his innocent mind about love. However, in Jisung's perspective, it made his heart beat fast and this weird feeling on his stomach.

He thought about it and decided to face what he really feel later on. He was happy about the present, being Chenle's friend. For now.

After pressing the doorbell, the mini telecom-like speaker sounded a buzz. "Who's there?" a voice of an woman can be heard through it. "It's me, Mom.. Jisung.." Jisung's mother released a squealed, making the two boys cover their ears. "Jisung! You're here! I'll open the gate now.."

The big gates of the mansion had opened automatically, revealing a flower-filled walkway towards the mansion, if you wanted to walk. And a big, asphalted road for the cars to get in. "That was so cool!" Chenle cheered.

Jisung laughs, then pulled Chenle inside the vicinity, then walks hand in hand on the flower-filled walkway. "This walkway is really beautiful, Jisung.." Chenle smiled. The taller was glad to see that Chenle is enjoying the scenery.

"Come on, now.. Mom and Dad is waiting for us.." the taller smiled. Chenle nods and hops happily, while holding Jisung's hand.

At the front door, Sooyoung and her husband, Kyung-ho is waiting for them. Jisung can see that his mom is excitedly waving at them, while his father grins happily. Sooyoung couldn't wait and runs to her son, engulfing him on a hug.

"I missed you so much!" she cheered. Jisung literally wants to pull away from his mother's hug. "Mom.. You're embarassing me.." he softly said. Sooyoung quickly pulled away and looks at Chenle, who was standing behind the taller.

"Is this your friend, Jisung?" his mother asked. Jisung nods and signals Chenle to come closer. "Mom.. This is Chenle.. Chenle.. Meet my mom, Sooyoung Park.." The smaller shyly bowed to pay respects. Kyung-ho went closer, just in time to see Chenle's greetings.

"Mr. and Mrs. Park.. My name is Kim Chenle.. Hoping that you are both doing well.." he cutely said. However, the woman is controlling herself not to burst out her uwus, since she find Chenle really cute. Kyung-ho is also having the same dilemma.

"Nice to meet you, Chenle.." Kyung-ho smiled. Sooyoung couldn't control herself and launches towards Chenle, engulfing him on a hug. "You're so cute and squishy, Chenle!" she cooed at him.

Chenle is liking the warm welcome Jisung's parents had giving him. He looked at the taller on the side, and Jisung just nods and smiled at him. While the smaller and Sooyoung is having a moment, Jisung goes to his father and hugged him.

"I missed you, Jisung.. I'm glad to see that you look cheerful and happy.." he said, rubbing Jisung's back. "I missed you too, Dad.." the taller hugged back, loving the warmth his father emitting.

Kyung-ho pulled away and ruffles Jisung's hair. "So.. Is he the one?" Jisung tilted his head, not understanding what his father meant. Kyung-ho laughs. "I think we'll be having this conversation soon.. Come on, inside.. Your mom had cooked plenty of dishes.."

Sooyoung links her arm on Chenle's arm. "Come on.. I prepared some delicious dishes that you'll surely love.." she pulled her inside the house. However, Jisung was still standing outside, lurking on his own thoughts.

"What does father meant earlier?" he thought.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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