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The three boys arrived in no time and quickly goes to the reception area

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The three boys arrived in no time and quickly goes to the reception area. Jisung immediately asked the nurse who was stationed there. "Uhmm.. Miss? Excuse me.. Can we know where the patient Kim Chenle is?"

The nurse smiled at them and goes to check at the computer, sensing that they're on a hurry. "Mr. Kim Chenle.. He's in the ICU right now.. 2nd floor.." The three boys bowed at her and smiled. "Thank you, Miss!" Using the stairs, they half walk, half run as fast as they can.

Reaching the ICU, they saw Jeno sitting at the waiting area. "Jeno hyung!" Jisung yelled, making Jeno to look at them and immediately stood up. "How is Chenle?" Haechan asked. "The doctors are still observing him.. He's in a critical condition right now, since his body is partially rejecting his heart.." he sadly said.

"Can I see him?" Jisung asked reluctantly. Jeno looks at him, tears flowing from his eyes. "I'm sorry, Jisung.. I could prevent that bad happenings if I was there for him.. It was really stupid for me to take that break.. That was a selfish move, I can't-"

Jisung leans closer and hugged his hyung. "Jeno hyung.. You're not being selfish.. And Chenle would be angry if he saw you blaming yourself.. You're his superhero.. You saved him when he needed to be saved.. If someone needs to take the blame, that would be me.. If only I am here with him.." tears starts to flow from his eyes too.

Jeno pulled away from the hug and looks straight at Jisung's eyes. "Don't say that, Jisung.. You're the bravest person I've ever met.. Now, go inside.. He would be really happy to see you once he get stable and wake up.." Jeno declared, full of hope that Chenle would recover soon.

Jisung nods before leaving them, going inside the ICU where Chenle's unconscious body lies.

Jeno sniffs, before crying again. "I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happens to him.. I can't-" His words were cut off when Renjun goes closer to him and engulfes him on a warm hug. "It's not your fault, Jeno.. You did what you could do.. And Chenle understands that.."

He felt comfortable, being hugged by Renjun. He can feel peace flows through his body. He missed this. Hugging the person who held his heart dearly.

Inside the ICU, a doctor is on a standby, clearly checking and recording Chenle's condition from time to time. He goes closer to the bed and looks at Chenle, who's still unconscious. His face looks soft and peaceful. He moved a little closer and holds the smaller's hand. "Lele.. I'm here now.. Your Sungie is here now.. Please get well soon and wake up now.."

He caresses his hand, making it warm. "If could take away the pain that you're feeling, I would take it with all my heart.. I just can't stand seeing you hurting.." he said softly.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Taeyeon and Heechul had arrived, looking disheveled since they hurried up, just to get to the hospital as soon as possible. "Hello.. I'm Chenle's mother.." Taeyeon introduced herself, assuming that the boys are his son's friend.

"Oh, yes.. Mrs. Kim.. Chenle's still unconscious.. Jisung is with him right now inside.." Renjun explained. "How was his condition?" she asked. Renjun sighed, before explaining what happened to Chenle.

After hearing what happened to her son, she sat down on one of the bleachers and cried. "How could they do this to him?" he cried, Heechul comforting her by rubbing her back. "Don't worry, Mrs. Kim.. Mirae is now with the police, and there are solid evidences against her.."

Once she calmed down, she stood up and decided to go inside. Once in there, Jisung noticed her and bowed politely. "I heard you all came from Japan.. You don't have to do that, Jisung.." she said softly. Jisung shakes his head and smiled. "No worries, Mrs. Kim.. I want to be on his side in this difficult times.. And I believe he would overcome this.." he smiled.

Taeyeon smiled sweetly before looking at her sleeping son. She holds his hand and starts to talk to him. "Lele.. Mom is here now.. Please wake up.. I miss you.." she pleads softly.

Back at outside, the three boys took a seat at the bleachers. They were resting for a while when Henry had arrived. When they saw him, they immediately stood up. "Headmaster!" they bowed.

"Is Chenle okay?" he quickly asked. "He's unconscious and on a critical condition.." Haechan replied. "His mother and Jisung are inside.. Do you want to talk to Mrs. Kim?" Renjun asked. "Yes please.." he pleads.

Renjun entered the room and called Taeyeon. When he saw Chenle's mother going outside, he immediately bowed, asking for forgiveness. "I'm so sorry, Ma'am.. We'll take full responsibility for this.." he looked up and is shock to see the face of Chenle's mother.

"Taeyeon noona?!" he asked. Taeyeon glares at him. "How could you let that happen to one of your students, Henry? Is that how you manage the university?" she asked angrily. Henry couldn't answer, still shocked.

The woman that he was looking for the whole time, standing now in front of him. "Wait.. If Chenle was your son, does that mean-"

"Yes, Henry.. Chenle is your long lost nephew.." she cried. "After I give birth to Chenle, Siwon had left us to inform your family about my baby.. Then, Siwon never came back because your father had forbid him to come back.." she cried harder.

"After all this time, my long, lost nephew is just under my nose.." he sighed. "I can explain, Taeyeon noona-" His words were cut off when Jisung peeks from the door. "Mrs. Kim! Chenle!" he shouted.

Three doctors had arrived to his room, which made Taeyeon worried. "We'll talk about his later.. My son needs me.." she said before running inside. Chenle's heart beat gets weaker, and vital signs monitor starts to beep.

"His heart beat is getting weaker every second!" one of the doctors announced. Jisung and Taeyeon stood near the door, praying that Chenle would wake up. "Please, Lele.. Wake up.." she whispered. Jisung also muttered the same prayer.

"Please save my son!" Taeyeon cried, while looking at the doctors who looks after Chenle.

However, time had stopped for both of them when they heard a long, beeping sound coming from the vital signs monitor and the status it shows.



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