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Chenle is running as fast as he can, not minding where his feet will lead him to, just to escape that awkward and embarassing situation

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Chenle is running as fast as he can, not minding where his feet will lead him to, just to escape that awkward and embarassing situation. Finally, he found a comfort room where he can hide. He immediately went inside.

He hides inside on one of the stalls and sits on the toilet bowl, catching his breath from the sudden run. "Why did I cry in front of a stranger?" he thought to himself. He cannot explain it, but when he saw the boy, his heart starts to pound.

"Why does it feel like I have seen his face before.." Chenle tried to remember every person he saw during the first year after his successful transplant, but couldn't remember the boy's face. He covers his mouth and screamed, releasing the tension he felt.

"Uurgggghhh! That was so embarassing!" he screamed. "I wish our paths would not crossed on this university.." he crossed his fingers and bit his lips. He stood, left the stall, and fixes himself in front of the mirror.

"Okay, Chenle.. Don't mind that embarassing situation earlier.. This is your first day at the uni, and we can definitely do this!" he cheered himself before leaving the comfort room.

Meanwhile, Jisung is still running around the campus, desperately searching for the boy. While walking around, the scene on what happened earlier flashed on his mind.

"Jisungie.." the boy softly said to him, tears flowing from his eyes. Jisung can feel the longingness on the boy's voice. It was really gentle and sweet, you can feel the emotions striking your heart.

"How did he knew my nickname? Me and Queenie are the only ones who knows that.." he thought. His thoughts were disrupted by the loud voices of his friends, whom he wished not to meet first.

"Park Jisung!" two boys loudly yelled his name. Jisung rolled his eyes, looking at the two running towards him. The short one poked his cheek. "It's good to see you here, Jisung.." Haechan smiled.

The shorter of the two hugs him unexpectedly and pats his back. "We're always here for you, Jisung.. You have our backs.. Please feel free to pour out your pain on us.." Renjun said.

Jisung poked his side, making him flinched. "Ouch! Not that kind of pain, dummy!" Renjun yelled. The taller smiled a little because of the funny antics of his friends. Haechan and Renjun looked at each and shared a smile. They felt relieved, seeing Jisung is getting better.

"What are you doing here?" Haechan asked. "I was looking for someone, hyung.." Renjun gasped. "You're wandering around, not knowing that our first class starts in 10 minutes?" Jisung scratches his head. "Our class?"

Haechan glares at him. "Yes, dummy! Our first class! Haven't you seen the list? We're on a block section, so even though we have different majors, we're still like classmates.."

"Same faces?!" Jisung asked. "Aren't you happy? It was just like highschool.. However, I saw the list earlier and found out that there is a new kid.. And that kid will be added on our section!"

"That's great!" Haechan clapped his hands. Jisung postponed his plan to find the boy and walks straight on the other building where their class is being held. "Wait for us, Jisung!" Renjun yelled.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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