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"Woah.." is all Chenle could say after looking at the big dining table where they would eat. It was so long that it can cater up to 20 persons. But he was not shocked about the table. He was dumbfounded because that long table is filled with food.

"You prepared all of this, Mom?" Jisung asked. Sooyoung looks proudly on her son and nods her head. "Of course! Buying the ingredients, up to cooking them all.. I put a lot of effort on this.. Because I really missed you, Jisung.."

The taller smiled and rolled his eyes up. "Mom.. I just went here last week, remember?" Sooyoung scratches her head, thinking about that, but couldn't really remember. "It's alright, Jisung.." Chenle smiled at them. "It just shows that your mom has missed you a lot.."

Sooyoung smiled and goes to Chenle again to engulfe him on a tight hug. "See? Even Chenle appreciates my cooking.. Thank you, Chenle.." Jisung sighed and just laughed. He was happy to see that his parents are fond of his friend.

"Shall we eat now? I'm hungry.." Kyung-ho protested, while rubbing his belly. Sooyoung rolled her eyes and pulled away from Chenle and starts to arrange the plates and utensils. Since the table was so big, they only seated at the right part.

Chenle and Jisung are sitting beside each other, while Jisung's parents are on the other side. They were now enjoying the meal, the taller making Chenle taste all the dishes that he likes too.

His parents are watching them with a smile on their faces, happy to see that their son is doing well. After a few dishes, the smaller's face starts to get messy, so Jisung stood up, picked up sheet of kitchen towel, and wipes Chenle's face, like a baby.

"It looks like we are watching a live action of 'We got Married', eh?" Sooyoung said amusingly, while sipping on her glass of wine. Kyung-ho nods, swallowing the food carefully, before making his comment. "You're definitely right.. They'll end up together for sure.."

After eating, Jisung brought Chenle to his bedroom to get all the books that they need for their research. Chenle, once again, was surprised on how big Jisung's room is. "Woah.. Your room is almost big as our house, Jisung.."

The taller laughs and goes to the book shelf at the corner of the room. "Your house is still bigger than my room, you know.." Chenle laughs and sits on Jisung's bed. He launches himself on it, burying his face on the mattress.

"It smells like you.. It made me sleepy.." Chenle said softly. Jisung was about to reach the books when he heard what Chenle said. It made him stop and remember something from the past.

Queenie really likes to hang-out at Jisung's bedroom, rolling on the king-sized bed, cuddling with the taller. She would flop her face on the bed and curl like a sleepy baby. "Your bed smells like you, Jisungie.. And I like it.. It made me feel sleepy.." the girl said with a soft voice.

Jisung smiled and laid down beside her, playing with her hair. "Then go to sleep, love.." he said fondly.

He went back from his daze and replied to what the smaller said. "Then, go to sleep.." he said softly. He goes back in reaching the books on the shelves when he noticed that Chenle had stopped talking.

He turned around and saw the smaller fell asleep, curled like a baby. He smiles while walking towards the bed. He looks at his face and admired the soft features of it.

"You're really pulling me towards you, Chenle.. Would you catch me if I fall?" Jisung whispered.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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