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Jisung still carries Chenle on his arms, bridal style, with the smaller's mother, Taeyeon

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Jisung still carries Chenle on his arms, bridal style, with the smaller's mother, Taeyeon. They are currently walking towards Taeyeon's house. "You really sure that you don't need help?" the woman asked awkwardly.

The taller just smiled. "No worries, Mrs. Kim.. He's light as a feather.." Then he looks at the sleeping boy on his arms. "Can I ask a question, Mrs. Kim?" The woman looks at her and smiled. "I believed I already know the answer.."

She starts to share everything.

"After Chenle's heart transplant, everything went well. However, the doctors started to discuss to us on what will be the side-effects of the operation.." Jisung nods, listening carefully.

"They told us that there's a chance that the body might reject the heart even though it was already inside of Chenle.. We just need to make sure that he won't do too much physical activities that might tire him.."

Jisung nods again.

"The most crucial part is the year after the transplant.. It will show if Chenle's body really accepted the heart or not.. This side effect that he suddenly falls asleep is when he gets too tired from doing activities.."

"So, does he need plenty of rest?" Jisung asked. "If possible.." Taeyeon nods. While at the middle of the conversation, Chenle stirred from Jisung's arms, might feeling stiff from the position he was in.

"I hope that someone will be Lele's friend, protecting him, and caring for him, in every single moment.." she smiled.

The smaller unconsciously jolted up and wraps his arms on Jisung's shoulder. The taller was shocked, so is Taeyeon. What Jisung did is he re-positioned the smaller and held him like a baby, his arms supporting Chenle's thighs.

Chenle sleepily felt comfortable on Jisung's body and clings on him tighter, nuzzling his face on Jisung's neck. It made the taller felt warm and fluffly. Taeyeon quickly apologizes to him.

"Oh my gosh.. I'm sorry, Jisung.. He must be very tired from the whole day.." Jisung just smiled and smiles to the woman. "Don't worry, Mrs. Kim.. I'm fine.. Let's just quickly go to your house so that he can sleep properly.."

"Okay.." Taeyeon replied, leading the way to their humble house.

Fifteen minutes later when they arrived at the Kim's residences. Jisung roams his eyes around the small house. Even though it's a small house, Jisung can feel the warmth inside, matching on Chenle's personality.

"Sorry if our house is a little bit messy.. I haven't clean since earlier morning.." Jisung checks around the house, with the smaller still asleep on his arms.

"Okay, let's go to Lele's bedroom.." she motioned the taller to come with her. "I really hope that Chenle had cleaned his room.." she mumbles. The bedroom door opened and Jisung smiles, looking how cute the smaller's bedroom is.

He walks to the bed and tried to put down Chenle, but the smaller won't let go. "Chenle? Wake up.. Let's transfer you to the bed.." The smaller just whined and clings on him tight.

"Omo! Jisung! I'm really sorry! What should we do?!" Taeyeon worries. Jisung didn't think twice, laid himself on the bed, with Chenle practically laying on his body. "I can wait until he fell asleep.. Fully asleep.."

"Are you sure it's not a burden?" the woman asked. "Of course.." Jisung nods. Taeyeon smiled happily. "Thank you, Jisung.. By the way, I'll prepare some light dinner for us to eat.."

But before she could go, Jisung had called him. "Mrs. Kim?" she asked. "Yes?" she looked back as well.

"I can be that someone.. Someone would who always be there for him.." Jisung didn't know why he answered like that, but one thing is for sure, it felt right.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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