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After their deep talk, the door of the room barged open, revealing a disheveled Kun with his boyfriend, Winwin

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After their deep talk, the door of the room barged open, revealing a disheveled Kun with his boyfriend, Winwin. Kun immediately run towards Chenle and engulfes him on a hug. "Lele! You're okay!" Kun cried while hugging Chenle tightly.

"Can't breathe, Kun hyung.." he mumbles. "Let the kid live, love.." Winwin rolled his eyes. "Oh, sorry.." he quickly pulled away and cups Chenle's face with his hands. "Thank goodness, you're okay.." he smiled.

"We're sorry for the delay of our arrival, Lele.." Winwin apologizes. "When we heard what happened to you, we're still in US for our business trip.. Sorry we took so long.."

Chenle shakes his head. "It's not a big deal, hyungs.. I'm so happy that you came over to visit me.." he smiled. "The flower shop is not the same without you, Lele.." Kun sulks. "Don't worry, hyung.. I'll be back as soon as I can.." he grins.

"Then you should rest more.." Kun instructed. Few moments later, Jisung and Renjun had arrived from getting lunch. "Jisungie! Come here!" Kun called him. Everyone laughs when he goes to him like a obedient puppy.

Haechan goes to Renjun, showing the time. "We need to go in a few hours.." he said. Renjun just nods.

"I heard that you came here as fast as you can when you heard about Chenle.. Is that true?" Kun interrogated him. Jisung nods shyly, hiding his face on his big hands. A big smile formed on Kun's face, before ruffling the taller's hair.

"I'm proud of you, Sungie.. That was very brave thing to do.." he smiled, making Jisung blushed even more.

"So after this, you're going back to the university?" Winwin asked him. Chenle's expression suddenly became sour. "I don't think I could go back now, Winwin hyung.. After what Mirae did, I don't have the courage to show up at the university again.." he sadly said.

"Why?" Winwin asked. Chenle sighed. "Everyone would think that I'm really a stripper.. That I'm doing all this dirty work.." Winwin called Renjun, who's now eating the packed lunch with Haechan. "Yes hyung?" he asked.

"Care to tell our Lele on your magnificent work?" A smile had appeared on his face, which made Chenle confused. "Oh, about that Lele.. Your name is already cleared about the issues Mirae had started.."

Chenle was surprised. "Really hyung? How?" Renjun laughs. "Being the editor in chief of our campus paper really has perks.. It's simple, Lele.. I made an article that states the whole truth about what happened.. The tables had turned; All the hatred are now on Mirae.. And about you.. Look at this.."

He pulled out his phone to show the university's message board. "Everyone is wishing your speedy recovery, Lele.." He couldn't help but to cry. "Aww, Lele.. Don't cry.. Everything's okay now.." He leaned closer to wipe his tears.

"Thank you so much, hyung.." he sniffles. "It's nothing, Lele.. It's just the right thing to do.." Then he remembered about Mirae. "Uhmm.. What happened to Mirae?" he asked.

"That bitch?" Renjun glared. "She was escorted to the police station.. One of her accomplices confessed the whole scheme.. Your mom was there too.. But she decided not to press any charges.. However, the board of the university decided to expell her.."

Chenle frowns. He can still feel a little bit of pity towards Mirae. "It was horrible.." he sighed. "Well.. She brought that to herself.." Renjun replied. The smaller sniffles again, appreciating all the love and support he was getting.

"Stop crying now, Lele.." Renjun whines. Meanwhile, Jisung had finished eating his lunch on the far side table when he saw Chenle crying. His protective instincts kicked in, so he immediately went to the smaller's side.

"Lele.. Are you alright? Why are you crying?" he asked. Chenle just shakes his head and wipes his tears. "Who made my Lele cry?" he asked, acting fiercely. Renjun smirked at him and starts to tease him. "Oh, is he yours now?"

The two boys looked at each other slowly, a blush creeping on both of their faces, then quickly looked away. "It's not- I don't-" Jisung stuttered, making all of them laugh.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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