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Taeyeon went home first after Chenle's check up

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Taeyeon went home first after Chenle's check up. While at the bus, she feels really happy to know that there's nothing wrong on her son's sight. "Thank goodness.." she silently whispered a prayer.

She was also happy to see that someone is always there for her son, and she was glad that it was Jisung. She can tell that Chenle is really comfortable when he is with him. And that made her inspired to always do her best for her son.

Meanwhile, the two are now walking to Kun's flower shop. It was a silent walk, no one is talking, even a single word. The taller keeps on bowing his head down, still feel embarassed, while Chenle looks at him worriedly.

He's not used to when Jisung is silent, so he decided to break the silence and awkwardness that surrounds them. "Jisung?" he softly asked, making the taller jumped a little on his feet. "Is there a problem? Are you okay?"

The taller felt guilty for making Chenle worried, so he looked up to the boy's face. "I'm really sorry for acting stupid earlier, Chenle.. I thought something had happened to you.. I was just worried.."

Chenle was shocked on Jisung's words, but soon, his shocked face had turned into a bubbly one, smiling cutely in front of him. "Is that the reason why you are so silent?" he asked. Jisung nods slowly.

"No need to be sorry about that, Jisung.." he smiled, making the taller's heart flutters. "I just want to thank you for your concern, you're my first ever friend and I want you to know that I am really happy to meet you.." he assured.

Jisung didn't know what to reply. He was speechless on Chenle's words on him. "I.. You're most welcome, Chenle.." he stuttered with a hint of blush on his face. The smaller smiled widely as he grabbed Jisung's hand.

"Let's go!" Chenle cheered, running slowly, while hand in hand with Jisung. The taller runs with him, looking how their hands are now glued to each other, how Chenle was pulling him cutely.

"This is nice.." he thought.

The two reached the store and quickly saw Kun arranging some flowers on a basket. When he heard the small bell on the door, he quickly looked up and saw the two walking towards him.

"Jisung! Chenle!" he screeched while standing behind the counter. The two waved at him and took a seat at the cafe part of the shop. "What do you want, Chenle?" The taller looks at the menu, having hard time to decide what to eat.

"I can't eat now, Jisung.. I have to go to work.." he protested, making Jisung pout in defeat. "Right.. I almost forgot about that.." Chenle smiled at him again.

"Ah.. That smile.." Jisung thought. "Thank you for accompanying me to work today, Jisung.. Any plans today?" he asked. Jisung nods. "My mom is making me run for an errand.. I shall accompany you later, going home after the shift.."

"You don't have to do that, Jisung.. I can take care of-" Jisung picks up a marshmallow from the sweets at the table and stuffs it on Chenle's mouth. "No, buts! I'll accompany you in going home later.."

He stood up and and went to the door. Before leaving, he looks back and smiled to the small. "Goodluck on your first day!" Jisung yelled. Kun appeared from the receptionist area and called his name.

"Chenle-ah! Let's start your training!" He looked back, happiness filled his eyes and grins. "Coming!" he yelled excitedly. However, after going to Kun, he looked again at the door and smiled.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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