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Sooyoung entered the store gracefully, with Kyung Ho following on her back

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Sooyoung entered the store gracefully, with Kyung Ho following on her back. She immediately get immersed by the ambience, the smell of sweet flowers, combined with the scent of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, making her smile.

"Ahh.. Can you smell it, hon?" she asked her husband, whose also entranced by the ambience of the shop. Kyung Ho doesn't answer, so Sooyoung looked back at her husband and finds him deeply immersed with the flowers and coffee.

"Looks like you're enjoying it.." she chuckled, before looking around again, remembering the real reason why they went to the shop.

Meanwhile, Kun is fixing something on the counter when he sensed a customer coming in. He was about to greet the customers when he saw that it was Jisung's parents.

He immediately went out of the counter, walking fast towards the couple when Sooyoung signalled him. "Please act like you don't know us.." she mouthed. From afar, Kun quickly caught what she was saying.

He bowed and went back to the counter, like nothing happened.

Chenle is currently fixing some bunch of flowers for the display when he noticed the couple. He immediately paused what he was doing and goes to the customers to assist them.

Sooyoung saw him walking towards them, and immediately saw his name tag that reads, "Kim Chenle.." She quickly pokes her husband. "Honey! It's him! The Chenle kid!" Kyung Ho immediately looks at Chenle, who is now on their front.

"Hello! Welcome to Kun's Flower Shop and Cafe! How can I help you today?" he greeted them cutely and bubbly, making the couple smile.

Sooyoung finds Chenle really cute and pretty, she kept on looking at her husband with a big smile on her face. She couldn't control herself, she softly squeezes Chenle's cheek. "You're so cute, Chenle.."

Chenle felt flustered by the sudden action of the woman, blush starts to creep on his face. It was now Kyung Ho's time to be sweep away by Chenle's cuteness, and he couldn't help but to ruffle the boy's hair.

"You're practically a baby.." Kyung Ho cooed, making Chenle even more flustered. "Uhmm.. Thank you.." he stuttered. "Can you suggest some flowers that we can buy for our house?" Sooyoung asked.

"Of course, Ma'am! Sir!" he exclaimed, before showing the variety of flowers to the couple. While Chenle cutely explains the different kinds of flowers, the couple practically cooed at him all the time.

Winwin just got home from the market, saw the couple who is listening to Chenle intently. "Is that Mr. and Mrs. Park? What are they doing here?" he asked. "Isn't it obvious? They're checking out Chenle.. Maybe Jisung had already confessed his crush to his parents.."

He looked at Kun with a shocked expression. "Jisung has a crush on Chenle?" Kun looks at him annoyingly before poking his cheek. "It's really obvious! Aigoo.. Why did I have a boyfriend like you?" he pouts.

Winwin smirked, before wrapping his arms on Kun's waist. "It's because you love me so much.." Kun blushed on that statement and hides his face on Winwin's chest. "You're so cheesy.." he mumbles.

"Only for you, love.." Winwin smiled, fully hugging his boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Chenle is still showing the different flowers that they sell to the couple, who is still cooing at his cuteness. "Our son really has a good taste.." Kyung Ho proudly said, making Sooyoung giggle.

They didn't even noticed that the door opened, revealing Jisung entering the store, still on his practice clothes for the dance class. He immediately saw his parents talking to Chenle.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?"

Sooyoung and Kyung Ho froze on the spot, getting caught in the moment. "We're doomed.." Sooyoung smiled awkwardly to her husband.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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