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"Are you feeling good now? Looks like you're comfortable sitting on my lap, Chenle

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"Are you feeling good now? Looks like you're comfortable sitting on my lap, Chenle.." Jisung teased, whispering on the smaller's ear. The smaller quickly jolted up his head, trying to get off from Jisung's lap, but the taller doesn't have a plan to let him go.

He immediately tighten his arms, wrapping on Chenle's waist, making the smaller glares at him with a pout on his face. "See? You're pouting again.. You're really a baby, Chenle.." Jisung teased again. "You're so mean, Jisung!" the smaller whined, making the taller laughed.

"I was just teasing you, Chenle.. Lighten up.." he fondly said, while looking at the smaller like he was gonna disappear anytime. Chenle stares back at him, his heart pounding really hard, like it would leapt out from his chest.

He got flustered again, blushing slowly, and this time, Jisung saw it and finds it cute. "Okay, I won't bother you now, Chenle.." However, someone's stomach grumbles really loud. Jisung looks down at the latter's stomach, before laughing.

Chenle was so flustered. "Looks like someone is hungry.." he smirked. "Let's cook some ramen, I'm hungry too.." Jisung declared, lifting the smaller from his lap, then made him sit on the bed. "Oh no, Jisung.. I can cook you some real food, just need to borrow your kitchen.. Can I?" he asked cutely.

Jisung remembered how good Chenle cooks, so he agreed immediately. "All yours, Chenle.." the taller, pointing towards the kitchen. The smaller looks at him with a smile. "Mine? Are you sure? Then, can I take home the fridge? I'll also get the stocks inside of it.."

The taller stood up with a confused face. "Wait? Are you serious about taking home the fridge?" Chenle couldn't keep a straight face, he bursts out, laughing. "You're so gullible, Park Jisung!" he yelled, before running towards the kitchen.

Jisung couldn't believed it. That the smaller tricked him and got his revenge. "Yah! Get back here, Chenle!" he yelled, before running towards the kitchen.

Chenle opened the fridge, looking at the supplies inside, checking on what to cook. Jisung stood up beside him, looking annoyed while watching him. "We can just boil some ramen, add with lots of cheese, them kimchi and radish for a side dish, and tadaaaa! Dinner is served!"

The smaller looks at him with a glare. "When was the last time you ate a proper meal? Like rice and main dishes?" Jisung looks up, thinking. Then he realized, it was last week, at his parent's house. Almost everyday, ramen is his food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Sometimes, it can be a midnight snack too.

The smaller took out some ingredients, putting it at the center island of the kitchen. "Just be patient, Jisung.. I'll cook this fast.. So that you can have a proper meal.. Eating ramen everyday is bad, you know?"

Jisung just nods. After a few moments, he was amazed, watching how Chenle cuts the vegetables and prepares everything really fast. While waiting the dish to be cooked, he took out some fresh milk, together with condensed milk. He also took out some fresh berries from the fridge.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Jisung asked. "I'll be making a homemade ice cream.." he smiled. Jisung was so amazed, he clapped his hands happily. "Woah.. That was amazing, Chenle.."

While watching the smaller, he realized something. That he wants to have a future like this with Chenle. To spend their lives together. In that moment, he declares to himself that he really likes the smaller.

But he's afraid. Would Chenle return the feelings that he have if he would confess? That's why he decided to keep it all in for the meantime. But what he didn't know, the smaller starts to feel something too.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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