🐥 18 🐬

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Chenle fluttered his eyes open, still feeling relaxed and comfortable on the bed he was is in

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Chenle fluttered his eyes open, still feeling relaxed and comfortable on the bed he was is in. "This bed feels really soft and fluffy.." he thought, while hiding on its soft blankets. Fluffy pillows also surrounds him.

He buried his face deep on the bed, inhaling the manly scent, with a hint of baby powder fragrance. That's when he realized that he was not on his bed. He fully opened his eyes, slowly getting aware of his situation.

He sits up slowly from the bed and looks around. "I'm not on my room.." he whispers, while scratching his head. He tried to remember what happened last night, and fortunately, he recalled all of what happened.

"Oh right.. I'm here at Jisung's apartment.." He stood up from the bed and looks at the big mirror beside it. He was wearing a very big shirt that reached on his mid-thighs, but he didn't mind, since he felt warm and comfortable.

He goes to the door and opens it, then went to the living room, wandering around like a little child on Jisung's apartment. While wandering, he saw Jisung sitting at the balcony near the living room, drinking tea while staring at something.

As he walked to the window, he was amazed because you can see the whole city view and big mountains on the side. He can feel at peace while looking at this magnificent view. He was captured by the breath-taking scene.

"You're awake.." Jisung looks at him, breaking his daze while looking back at the boy. "Ah, yes.." he shyly said, while looking down. The taller smiled a little and pats the mini sofa where he was in, signalling Chenle to sit beside him.

The smaller didn't have second thoughts and sits beside him. Jisung handed him a steaming cup of tea. "Thank you.." Chenle smiled. He sips on the tea and smiled after, loving the aroma and taste of it.

"This tea is so good.." Chenle smiled cutely. "Glad that you liked it.." And it was a few minutes of awkward silence again after their short conversation. Chenle decided to break the ice.

"Jisung-ssi.. Really, I am thankful for saving me last night.. I couldn't imagine without you there.. Maybe something bad had happened to me.." he softly said.

It was a few seconds of silence before Jisung answered. "You have to be honest with me first, Chenle.. Tell me.. What is the real reason why you did it?" The smaller looks at him with uncertain reaction.

Chenle sighed and starts to explain Jisung everything. Every single thing, like he was a open book, spilling out everything on Jisung.

"So, you really don't know that the place you entered at the farthest part of the town is like that? Where literally hoes live?" Jisung asked. He still couldn't get why Chenle couldn't realized that it was a place for that kind of thing.

Chenle nods. "Yes.. It was my first time seeing that place.." Jisung sighed. "Aigoo.. You're too innocent for this world, Chenle-ah.." The smaller pouts, getting Jisung's attention. Jisung can see Queenie's face on Chenle when he pouts.

He tried to tease the smaller to make him pout more, and he succeed. "By the way, I had a hard time carrying you last night.. You're so heavy.." he teased. Chenle pouts more. "No, I'm not!" Chenle huffs.

Jisung laughs, and it was his first time to laugh genuinely after Queenie's death. And by the way, he was lying because when he carried Chenle, he was light as a feather.

Jisung puts down his cup of tea and reaches his hand to Chenle. "Friends?"

Chenle's pout quickly replaced with a hearty smile and grabs Jisung's hand to shake it. "Friends!" And they started the day, sharing some random thoughts, asking random questions, and slowly getting to know each other.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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