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Chenle lazily woke up in the morning, as usual

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Chenle lazily woke up in the morning, as usual. He sits up from his bed and stares at the wall for a minute. He was still sleepy as ever. He rubs his eyes and yawns cutely, like a kitten. Then, he stared at the wall again.

Feeling his thoughts waking up, he starts to recall the events last night, as he was not aware of what happened again. He tried his best to recall it, and finally, he remembered that he was on the basement of Kun's store last night.

He was reading a book about flowers and what are the things or traits that they signify. He remembered that while reading, he felt sleepy and his eyes starts to get heavy. Then, everything went blank.

Chenle stood up and goes to the kitchen, seeing his mother preparing breakfast. "Mom?" he asked on a sleepy voice. Taeyeon looked back and smiled. "Good Morning, Chenle! These pancakes are almost done.."

"How did I got home last night?" he asked. Taeyeon smirks at him. "What do you think?" He tried hard to recall it, but he really couldn't remember it. Even a single detail. "I really can't remember!" he whined.

Taeyeon diverts her attention to the stove again, where she diligently cook the pancakes. "Of course, Jisung brought you home.. Carrying you on his back.. That was so sweet of him.."

The smaller felt embarassed and hides his face on his hands. "Ah! That was so embarassing!" Taeyeon laughs. "You can take a bath first, Chenle, while waiting for the pancakes.. You don't want to be late for school.."

"Okay, Mom!" he whined again like a child before going to his bedroom to get some fresh change of clothes. Taeyeon keeps on laughing on her son's antics. "Aigoo.. My cutie Lele.." she smiled.

After taking a bath and getting dressed, he went out from his bedroom and goes straightly to the kitchen, only to find Jisung sitting at the table. He thought that he was dreaming.

"Why would Jisung appears on our kitchen, early in the morning?" he thought, while laughing softly.

Jisung saw him and smiled like a fool in love, waving his hands toward the smaller. "Good Morning, Chenle!" The smaller was shocked, realizing that it was not a dream, and it is really Jisung himself.

"What are you doing here?!"  he asked, still feeling flustered. The taller just smiled calmly. "Have you forgotten it already? I promised that I would pick you up everyday, right?"

"Oh, right.. That promise.." Chenle thought. He sits on the table in front of Jisung, quickly munching the pancakes on his plate. He kept silent the whole breakfast, while his mother and Jisung laughs on random stories that they share.

"We're going now!" Jisung yelled, before leaving the house with Chenle. They are now walking towards the university, and Chenle was too shy to talk. He just looks around, and when Jisung would look at him, he would gaze away.

And it made Jisung frustrated. His goal was to show Chenle the beauty of the world everyday, even with little things. He thinks of a plan on how to make Chenle talk to ease the awkwardness between them.

While walking, he starts to rub his back, like he was in pain. "Ouch.." he muttered. Chenle noticed it and couldn't help but to get worried. He immediately went closer to the taller's side and checks on him.

"Jisung.. What happened? Are you okay?" he asked. The taller starts to act out as well. "My back hurts.. It must be because I carried a heavy, sleeping person on my back.." Chenle glares at him before hitting his shoulder.

"Ouch! That hurt!" Jisung protested. "I'm not that heavy!" Chenle whined, before pouting away. After a few seconds, he looks to Jisung again. "Thank you for bringing me home last night.." he said shyly.

Jisung smiled and ruffles his hair. "You are most welcome, Chenle.. By the way, I was just kidding earlier.. You're not heavy, actually, you're as light as a feather.."

The smaller looks at him with a shocked face. "Really?!" he asked. Jisung smirked. "Of course, you are so light, I can carry you again right now.." the taller approaching Chenle, his arms wide open to hug the smaller.

"Noooo!" Chenle starts to run and escape, happiness showing on his face, while Jisung runs after him. And that's how they started their lovely morning.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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