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Jisung is sitting on his bed, with a crying Chenle on his lap

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Jisung is sitting on his bed, with a crying Chenle on his lap. He felt bad seeing the smaller cry like a baby. He wrapped his arms on Chenle's body and hugged him closer, comforting him.

"Please stop crying, Lele.. I don't want to see you like this.. Really, it breaks my heart.." Jisung whispered on his ear, while rubbing circles on his back. After a few moments, he stopped crying, nuzzling his face on Jisung's neck.

They stayed like this for a while, enjoying each other's soothing presence. As for Jisung, Chenle seated on his lap was like holding his whole world on his arms.

Chenle pulled away slowly, looking intently at Jisung's face. The taller smiled before pinching the smaller's cheeks softly. "When are you gonna leave?" the smaller asked softly. Jisung sighed before answering.

"Tomorrow afternoon.." Chenle gasped, he was surprised that it was too soon. "That fast?" he stuttered. Jisung smiled at him fondly before caressing his cheeks, wiping the traces of his tears using his thumb.

"Are you gonna miss me that much?" he asked confidently. He didn't expect an honest answer, but was surprised to see Chenle nods cutely, with an evident pout on his face.

"Aigoo.." Jisung cooed, before pulling the smaller back on a comforting hug. "With that reaction, it makes me feel bad that I'm gonna leave you.. If only I could take you with me.." he said dreamingly.

He lifted Chenle's face softly, holding it with hands, while looking at him lovingly. "One month will be fast, Lele.. Don't be sad.. You'll not notice, but that month will pass by quickly.."

"Now.." he stood up from the bed, making the smaller stand too. "You need to go now to your part-time job.. I'll make it up to you tonight.. Go home early, okay? The surprise will be held on your room.." he smiled.

"Okay, Jisungie.." Chenle grins, going back slowly to his usual cheerful self. "Let's go, now.." they left the apartment, the taller walking with Chenle towards the flower shop.

After dropping Chenle to the flower shop, Jisung goes to the university for his dance class, before preparing his surprise to the smaller. Meanwhile, Chenle starts immediately on his shift.

He's still sad because Jisung's gonna leave, but kept his positive vibes, thinking the promises left by the taller that he'll be back as soon as he can. Wearing his usual smile, he greets and assists the customers politely, giving them the best customer service.

After the number of customers settled down, Kun called him at the staff room, while Winwin watches the counter. "Yes, Kun hyung?" he asked. "We heard the news of Jisung leaving for a month.. Are you doing good?" he asked.

"I'm a little bit sad, hyung.. But I believe on his promise that he'll back as soon as he can.." Chenle smiled.  "That's good.." Kun grins. Then, he handed a box towards Chenle's hand.

"What's this, hyung?" he asked. "Open it.."

His eyes widened with surprised after opening the box, revealing the latest model of iPhone. "It was a gift from us.." Kun happily said. Winwin peeked at the door. "Hope you'll like it, Lele.."

Chenle was on the verge of crying. "This is so expensive, hyung! I can't accept it!" Kun looks at him in the eye. "We'll be mad if you don't accept it, plus how would you facetime Jisung in Japan without this?" he teased.

Tears starts to fall from his eyes. "This is too much.. Thank you very much, Kun hyung.. Winwin hyung.." Kun hugged him comfortingly, while Winwin joined them after a few moments.

In times like this, Chenle felt really blessed to have these people on his life. He was very thankful for them.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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