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After Jisung stayed the night at his parent's house, he felt happy and recharged at the same time

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After Jisung stayed the night at his parent's house, he felt happy and recharged at the same time. It feels great to have his mother prepared a breakfast for him, eating with them early in the morning. Not his usual morning, alone at the apartment.

He also took some clothes from his room and sorts some stuff that he needs to do. After they ate, he starts to prepare his stuffs and bids goodbye to his parents. "Visit us again if you have some free time, Jisung.." Sooyoung pleaded.

"Yes, Mom.." he smiled and hugged his mother. "Hug dad for me.." then he went on his way out. His father had gone to work early, and didn't had a chance to bid goodbye to him properly. "Did father ate his breakfast really well? He was really rushing earlier.." Jisung said worriedly.

Sooyoung messes with his hair. "Aigoo.. Our son is really worried.. Don't worry about your father, he was just busy these days.." Jisung sighed in relief. "I'll be going now, Mom.."

The taller starts to walk away from their house, leaving his mother, who still cheerfully waves at the door. "Bye Jisung! Take care!" she yelled.

Jisung had dropped off the things he picked from his parents house, on his apartment, of course. He cleaned the place for a while before deciding to pick up Chenle, for his first day of work.

Before going out, he decided to call Taeyeon first. A few rings and the woman is still not answering. "Maybe they're just busy.." he thought. He tried to call again, and still no answer. On his third try, Taeyeon picked up the call.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Kim! Is Chenle prepared already?" No response was coming from the other line, only grunts and deep breaths from a woman. It had made Jisung worried. "Uhmm.. Mrs. Kim? Are you alright?"

Then, the woman answered. "Oh, Jisung.. Is that you? Sorry.. We are at the hospital right now.. And Chenle is-"

"Hospital?! Is Chenle okay?! Where hospital is this?!" Jisung asked desperately. Taeyeon couldn't answer first, but she replied hesitantly. "We're at Seoul General Hospital-"

"I'm coming!" Jisung yelled, and hung up the phone. He made his way out of his apartment, and runs as fast as he can.

His trauma is occuring again. It started when Queenie was rushed to the hospital. It made him felt shaky and nervous. Now that he had learned that the smaller is in the hospital, he was worried.

He wanted to make sure that Chenle is okay. He promised himself that he would be always be there for him.

He called for a cab and quickly get in. "Seoul General Hospital please! And make it faster please!" he pleaded. After 10 minutes, he had arrived and went straight to the nurses' station.

"Excuse me? Is there patient named Kim Chenle here?" The nurse looked up at her laptop. "Kim Chenle? Yes.. He's on the cardio department right now-"

Jisung cuts off the woman and runs with all his strength to the department. After reaching the place, he looked around. Then he saw Chenle leaving a room, talking to a doctor.

The doctor had left and Chenle bowed, and when he looked back, he saw Jisung running towards him. "Jisung?" he asked.

The taller runs towards him and quickly engulfes him on a tight hug, not wanting him to let go. Chenle was shocked by the sudden hug, then he decided to hug back, wrapping his arms on Jisung's back.

Jisung almost cried in joy, tightened his hug on the smaller. "I'm glad that you're okay, Chenle.." making the smaller confused.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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