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Still tied on a chair, drenching with the eggs that they threw on him, mixed with vinegar that also poured on him, Chenle is crying for help

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Still tied on a chair, drenching with the eggs that they threw on him, mixed with vinegar that also poured on him, Chenle is crying for help. He really didn't know why Mirae and her friends are doing this.

"Please.. Let me go.." he cried softly, which Mirae responded with a teasing laugh together with the other girls who also joined her in shaming him. "Look at the camera, Cheap-Le.. We're live now on our private group chat.." she laughs.

She passed her phone on one of the girls to continue the live feed, while she threw another egg, straight on Chenle's face. "Bulls eye.." she laughs, her friends applauding on her. Chenle continues to cry, he can feel that his heart is beating really fast due to stress that he was currently experiencing.

"Please.. Make it stop.." he pleads. Mirae walks up to him and looks at his face. "Everyone knows who you really are, Chenle.. That you're just a stripper, and you seduced Jisung to be close to you.. We can't let that happen.." she smirked.

"Just promise us that you'll distance yourself on Jisung from now on.. And also, revoke your scholarship at the university and move out from this place.. Together with your mother who just cleans on our houses.." she teased again.

Chenle couldn't take it anymore, he can accept their insults, but when his mother is on the line, he could not stay silent. He pushed his body towards Mirae, spluttering all the eggs on her. "Aaaaaaahh! It's so disgusting!" she screamed.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother!" he shouted. Mirae glares at him and slaps his face. "Girls.. Throw eggs at him all over again.." she smiled devilishly.

Jeno is still driving his motorcycle, and was stucked on the traffic. While monitoring the live feed, he's trying to call Jisung who can't be reached at the moment. Then he saw something on the live feed which made his blood boil.

Mirae slapping Chenle straight on the face. "That bitch!" he shouted, before taking another route, speeding up to rescue Chenle.

Meanwhile, Jisung and his two hyungs are now listening to a lecture about how to properly grow a business. Jisung looks up to his phone and saw that it has no signal. He checked at the time and saw that it was still too early to call Chenle.

He didn't know why, but he felt really uneasy.

Renjun was sleepy so he couldn't pay attention to the lecture, and was surprised when he can feel his phone vibrating. He took out his phone and was shocked to see Jeno calling. He looked in the front before answering.

"Hello..." he softly greets. "Thank God, you answered!" Jeno screamed on the other line, which made him flinched. "Check your social media now! It's an emergency!"

"Okay.." he responded. He opened his account and saw a notification that he was added on a secret group chat. "Embarrass the Stripper? What is this?" He opened it and was surprised to see the live feed.

"Oh my gosh!" he exclaimed, getting the attention of the class. "Jisung! Look!" He immediately passed his phone. The taller quickly looked at the live feed, his blood starts to boil, watching his Chenle being abused by Mirae and the girls.

"Chenle!" he shouted. Haechan was also shocked on what's happening. "Let's go! Now!" Renjun ordered, and the three of them runs outside, getting in on Renjun's car. "What are they doing on Chenle!" Jisung angrily shouted. "We're riding with my private jet.. We should be on Korea in an hour.."

Jisung starts to shake and getting nervous, which Renjun grabbed his hand and holds it gently. "Don't panic.. Jeno is on his way now.. He also notified the police.." he assured.

Meanwhile, Chenle was now covered in eggs, while Mirae and the girls continues to throw at him. The smaller starts to lose his energy from crying, and his heart is still beating fast. He can now feel a severe pain from his chest, which made him hard to breath.

Suddenly, he lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor, still tied on the chair.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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