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Chenle and his mother are eating dinner when Taeyeon noticed a red mark on his son's wrist

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Chenle and his mother are eating dinner when Taeyeon noticed a red mark on his son's wrist. She stopped eating and puts down her spoon. "What is that?" she pointed out. Chenle was startled and tried to make a lame excuse.

"Oh.. It's nothing, Mom.. It's just a scratch.." he stuttered. At that moment, Taeyeon knew her son was lying. "You're such a bad liar, Lele.. Tell me.. What happened on your arm?" Chenle gulps. "It was all my fault, Mom.."

"Your fault? You're hurt, Lele.. Who did this to you? Are you being bullied? Tell me this instant!" Chenle was on the verge of crying when Heechul entered their house. "You're making your son sad, sis.. Why don't you let him explain?"

Taeyeon sighed and looks at Chenle. "Sorry about that, Lele.. Can you tell us what happened?" The boy calmed himself and starts to explain thoroughly on what happened. "I don't know, Mom.. But when I saw him, tears starts to flow in my eyes.. And my heart starts to beat fast.. He felt really familiar.."

Taeyeon and Heechul looked at each other. "Maybe it was just a post-operation side effect or what not.." she stated. "Do you want us to go to a hospital for a check up?" Chenle shakes his head. "No, Mom.. It would be expensive.."

"I still have an extra money here, Lele.." Heechul volunteered. "Thanks, Uncle.. But no thanks.. I feel alright.. Maybe it was just a surge of emotions at that moment.." Taeyeon sighed again. "Fine.. But don't talk to that boy anymore again, okay? If he hurt you again, I'll have to face him myself.."

"Okay, Mom.." Chenle replied before finishing his food.

Jisung couldn't sleep that night. He kept on tossing around on his bed, but sleep isn't coming to him. He stared at the ceiling and and thought on what happened earlier that day. It was not his intention to hurt the boy.

He just need some answers as to why Chenle knows his nickname whom Queenie and himself only knows it. "Maybe he was really telling the truth that he didn't know.." he whispered to himself.

He felt guilty of hurting Chenle. Playing on his mind the image of Chenle's face, crying, breaks his heart. He couldn't deny that Chenle is innocent and is precious like a baby. It was his first time again to feel this way.

Queenie was the only girl who made him feel like that, and that's the reason why he was so curious of Chenle. So, he decided to apologize. Maybe asking him to be his friend.

The next day, he walked fast along the university's hallway, searching for the small boy. He walked around and finally, he saw Chenle sitting at staircase. He smiled and went happily towards the boy.

"Chenle!" he called him. The smaller looks at him and then was surprised as to why Jisung would call him. Jisung was about to say something when Jeno appeared. "Is Chenle your next victim?"

He was surprised to see his ex-bestfriend. He and Jeno is not on good terms since Queenie died. The latter graduated before him, and decided to take a rest for a year before entering college, that's why he was in the same year level with them.

"What are you saying, hyung?" Jisung asked. Jeno starts to get angry. "It's your fault why Queenie died.. If you have taken care of her really well, she wouldn't die.."

Jisung can feel all the guilt building up on his heart and mind. Chenle noticed and starts to get worried. He can clearly see that Jisung is getting really affected.

Jisung couldn't take it anymore and starts to run towards the rooftop. Chenle didn't know why, but his heart is telling him to follow the boy. He was about to run when Jeno grabs his hand.

"Where are you going?" Jeno asked.

"I'll follow Jisung.." he replied. "But it's all his fault-"

Chenle cuts off his words with a smile. "Jisung needs someone to talk to right now.." He pulled away his hand and run towards the rooftop, leaving Jeno alone and sad.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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