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Jisung was not lying that all day, Chenle was on his mind

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Jisung was not lying that all day, Chenle was on his mind. He couldn't get off the smaller on his mind, surrounding his thoughts. He was worried about Chenle. "Is he doing well on his work? I hope Kun hyung is not making him do hard stuff.." he thought.

He is now speaking on their loyal customers, presenting the new product of their family business. Sometimes, he would zoned out and stares at nothingness, thinking about Chenle.

"And that's how the sales strategy plan that we are commencing for the new product.." one of the staff said, presenting it in front. The staff noticed that Jisung is not paying attention, so he cleared his throat, making Jisung looks at him.

"Do you have any questions, Mr. Park?"

The taller just stares at him and looks around at the other shareholders who joined them for a meeting. "It's great.." he said awkwardly. "Thank you for that presentation.." Everyone had clapped their hands.

The secretary stood up and looks at her laptop. "Next presenter, please!" Jisung looks at his watch and sighed. "I wish it was 5pm already.."

Kun was impressed. It was just a few hours, however, Chenle is getting the hang of it already. He already memorized the prices of each kind of flowers, knows how to operate the cash register, and the most important of all: interacting politely.

One of Kun's loyal customer had arrived and requested a bunch of pink roses. He instructed Chenle to assist the customer and he did very well. "You're a really polite and sweet kid.." the woman smiles at him.

Chenle couldn't help but to smile back. "Thank you, Miss.." he bowed politely. The woman opens her purse and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill. "Here you go.." He was shocked to receive such a big amount of money.

After the woman left, he quickly goes to Kun. "Kun hyung!" he yelled. "Why are you such in a hurry?" Chenle pulled out the money from his pocket. "One of the customers gave me this.." showing the dollar bill to his boss.

Kun sighed. "I thought something bad had happened.. It's just a dollar bill, Chenle.. You can keep it.. Spend it or save it, it's your decision.."

"Really?!" Chenle exclaimed. "It was too much.." he sighed. Kun holds on his shoulder and smiled. "The customer gave you that because you have been a very helpful staff to her, so don't worry too much, okay?"

Chenle sighs in defeat. "Okay, hyung.." The whole day, the smaller gets to try everything that would help him to ace his job.

It was 5 in the afternoon and Jisung was happy to free away from all the meetings that he needs to do for their company. He immediately adjourned his last meeting and left the company as fast as he can.

He took a bus and went straight to Kun's flower shop. After entering the place, his eyes went around, searching for the smaller that he had really missed. "Jisung.." he looked at the cafe side of the shop and saw Winwin grins at him.

"Winwin hyung! Do you know where Chenle is?" he asked. "Chenle and Kun are at the basement libraby... I think Kun wants to show him something.. You can go down there if you want.."

Jisung nods. "I will! Thank you, hyung!" He immediately went downstairs to the well-lit basement. "Chenle?" he softly called out. Reaching the mini library, he laughs softly when he saw the smaller, fell asleep while reading a book.

He walked slowly towards the sleeping boy and smiled. "Looks like I'm gonna carry a baby again to their home.." then slowly picks up the smaller and settles him on his back.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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