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Chenle was really surprised, seeing Jisung holding him tight, his arms wrapped around his waist

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Chenle was really surprised, seeing Jisung holding him tight, his arms wrapped around his waist. "What are you doing here, Jisung?!" he exclaimed. The taller just laughs and held him tight, since the bus starts to move again.

"I just want to make sure that you can go home safe.." he smiled. Chenle didn't know why, but Jisung's smile made him feel hot and flustered. "You don't have to do that.." he stuttered, looking sideways.

"But I want to.." Jisung said fondly, looking at his face. Chenle looked down and finally saw Jisung's strong arms holding him by his waist. "You.. You can let go of me now.." he stuttered again.

"Why am I stuttering? It's just Jisung.." he thought. The taller leaned closer, increasing their proximity, making Chenle's heart beats like it would go out. "Are you sure you want me to let you go? Can you reach the handrail?" he asked teasingly, with a smirk on his face.

The smaller pouts and glares at him. "Are you teasing my height right now, Park Jisung? I'm tall too! You're just way too taller!" he huffs. Jisung laughs again. "Fine, I'll let you go.." he removed his arms on Chenle's waist.

The driver hits again the brake with a sudden force, making Chenle stumble on Jisung's chest. He looked up and slowly with a pout on his face, taking a good look at Jisung's teasing smirk on him.

"Still don't want my arms holding you?" he asked sweetly. And here it goes Chenle's heart again, beating loudly. He blushed a little and looked away. "Fine.. You win.."

The taller smiled brightly before wrapping his arms again on Chenle's waist, holding him tight. After a few stopover on bus stops, the bus starts to get crowded, making Chenle and Jisung stucked on the window side.

It was so overcrowded inside that Chenle is pushed into the window side, with Jisung towering over him. The traffic didn't help them too. After a few minutes, Jisung felt that Chenle's head is banging occassionally on his chest.

He looked down and saw the smaller almost falling asleep. He smiled and did what a gentleman would do: he pulled Chenle closer and made him lean on his body. He had made sure that the smaller is feeling comfortable.

Then, he looked at the window, with a smile on his face. Looks like he's gonna enjoy the traffic for a little while.

30 minutes had passed and Chenle was still asleep on his arms. They have made their way from the bumper to bumper traffic, and the ride was once again, gone smoothly.

Jisung noticed that they are almost at Chenle's stop, so he started to wake up the smaller. "Chenle.. Wake up, we're here.." Jisung whispered to him. He shakes him gently, but Chenle is still snoring softly.

It was their stop, so Jisung had no choice but to scoop the smaller on his arms, carrying him bridal-style. "Excuse me! Coming through! Make way!" he made his way out from the overcrowded bus, still carrying the smaller.

"Lele!" he heard a yell, coming from Taeyeon, running towards their direction. "What happened to him?" she asked, still catching her breath.

"He fell asleep while we're on the bus, and now, he won't wake up, Mrs. Kim.." Jisung said worriedly. Taeyeon sighed. "Urgh.. It happened again.." Jisung looks at her. "Again?"

"I'll explain it to you, Jisung.. By the way, can you carry him on the way to our house?" The taller smiled, holding Chenle really close and tight. "I would love to, Mrs. Kim.."

And they started to walk, talking about interesting and random things.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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