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Jisung walked on a slow pace, not wanting to wake up the sleeping figure that clings on his back

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Jisung walked on a slow pace, not wanting to wake up the sleeping figure that clings on his back. He's amazed on how can Chenle sleep comfortably on his back. While walking, the smaller starts to murmur something while sleeping.

"Jisungie.." he said softly. The taller was quite startled, he thought Chenle was asleep soundly. "Yes, Lele?" However, he got no response. "Jisungie.." Chenle murmured once again. "What is it, Lele?" Jisung responded.

"Jisungie.." Chenle called for the third time. The taller had his head turned around for a bit and saw Chenle still asleep. "Jisungie.." the smaller said while sleeping. "Is he dreaming about me?" the taller thought.

"Don't you ever leave me, okay?" the smaller asked it out, still sleeping. "Please, don't ever leave me, okay?" he pleaded, as if it he's awake. Jisung smiled, extending his arms to pat on Chenle's thighs.

"Don't worry, Lele.. I won't.." he assured to him, even though he knew he wouldn't heard him. He looked back again on Chenle's face and was shocked to see the smaller pouting, making kissy faces.

Jisung quickly averted his gaze on the road, blush creeping on his face. "What was that? Is he kissing me on his dream?" he thought. He just laughed it all out. "Nonsense.. Why would he kiss me.." he sighed, trying not to think about it again.

"Aigoo.. He fell asleep again?" Taeyeon asked him softly. Jisung smiled and nods, making the woman smiled too. He assisted Jisung on bringing her son on his bedroom. They laid him down, Taeyeon, tucking Chenle on his bed.

She kissed him on his forehead, before leaving the room with Jisung. "By the way, Mrs. Kim.. Chenle has a bandage attached on his knee.. He tripped earlier and cried a little bit.." he scratches his head. "Typical Chenle.." Taeyeon chuckles.

"Please stay here and have some dinner, okay?" she asked. Again, Jisung refused politely. "Maybe next time, Mrs. Kim.. I need to return home at my parent's house and discuss something.."

Earlier, Sooyoung texted him to come home to discuss something important.

"Oh, I see.. No worries, Jisung.. There's plenty of next time, for sure.." she smiled. "I need to go now, Mrs. Kim.. Please tell Chenle that we would still walk together tomorrow towards uni.."

"Yes, I will, Jisung.. Please have your breakfast here tomorrow, okay? I'll prepare abalone porridge.." she smiled. "That would be good, Mrs. Kim.. Thank you very much.. Goodbye!" the taller bowed politely again before leaving.

While walking towards his parent's house, he got some time to think. These days, Chenle is always on his mind, and every subtle touch and reaction makes his heart beating like crazy.

He thought he couldn't hide it anymore. That's when he decided to confess. He just want this feeling to be removed on his chest. If Chenle likes him back, it would be great. But if didn't, he would wait patiently and would stay on the smaller's side.

Reaching his parent's house, he immediately entered and sees his mother drinking her afternoon tea on the living room, while reading a book. Sooyoung saw him and stood up.

"Jisung! Good thing you're here.. I have something to tell you-"

However, Jisung's excitement cuts her words. "Guess what, Mom? I'll be following your advise.. I'm gonna confess my feelings to Chenle.." he smiled. Sooyoung looks at him, and deeply sighed.

Jisung noticed his mother's change of emotion. "Why mom? Aren't you happy for me?" he asked.

"I think that you need to delay your confession for a while.. The Inheritors Conference starts in two days.. And it will be held in Japan.." she said.

His smile turned easily into frown.

"It means that I need to stay there for a month, right?" he asked. Sooyoung nods sadly.

Jisung sighed. The thought of leaving Chenle for a month makes him sad. And how would he say it to the smaller?

Thank you for reading! 💓

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