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"Jisung! I know you have my son in there! Give him back to me before I call the police!" Taeyeon yelled outside, knocking really hard and loud at the door

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"Jisung! I know you have my son in there! Give him back to me before I call the police!" Taeyeon yelled outside, knocking really hard and loud at the door. Good thing that the units on the apartment are all sound proof.

Inside the apartment, Chenle felt embarassed. He looks at the taller and frowns. "Oh my gosh.. I didn't expect that my mom would go in here.. I'm so sorry, Jisung.." However, the taller understands the situation and smiled back at Chenle.

"I completely understand, Chenle.. I'll open the door now.." From the kitchen, he goes straight to the door.

Back outside, Taeyeon was still yelling, completely worried on how Chenle was doing. "Jisung! Give me back my son!" Heechul tried to calm her. "Sis.. Don't cause too much ruckus here.. This is an exclusive building.. The security might kick us out.."

Taeyeon glares at him. "I don't care! I won't go anywhere until I get my son back!" She was about to knock on the door again when it suddenly opened, revealing Jisung, who was looking at them.

"Are you Jisung Park?" Taeyeon asked. The taller answered politely. "Yes, Ma'am.. I am Jisung Park.." Then he bowed in front of them. "Where is my son?" she yelled. Then, a small figure peeks behind Jisung.

"Hi mom.." Chenle greeted softly. Tears starts to flow from Taeyeon's eyes and barges inside, engulfing her son on a hug. "We we're worried! You didn't answer our calls and texts!" she cried, not wanting to let his son go.

Jisung, on the other hand, felt guilty for having Chenle stayed the night, instead of bringing him home. He also understand Chenle's sentiments on not telling his mother what happened.

After their small reunion, Taeyeon pointed out Jisung. "What did you do to my son?! Did you hurt him again?!" The taller was about to explain and wants to cover what happened to Chenle when the smaller decided to tell the truth.

"Jisung didn't do anything bad, Mom.. In fact, he saved me.." Chenle stuttered. Taeyeon looks at him with inquisiting reaction. "Saved you? From what?" Chenle gulped, looks at Jisung, before answering.

"I worked as a stripper last night.." making Taeyeon and Heechul gasped.

"YOU WHAT??!!" Taeyeon exclaimed. Right there and then, Chenle spilled everything. "Jisung saved me last night.. Without him, those boys might did awful to me.." he stuttered.

He expects that his mother would slap him for doing that kind of thing, so he closed his eyes. But from what he expected, it was complete opposite. His mother engulfes him on a warm hug.

"Oh, Lele.. Please don't do it again.." Taeyeon cried and felt bad about what happened to her son. Chenle cried too and buries his face on his mom's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Mom.." Jisung watches them and almost cried too. He saw how they were protective to Chenle.

Taeyeon pulled away and looks at Jisung. She walked closer and kneels in front of him, making the taller flustered. "I'm sorry for being mad at you, Jisung.. I shouldn't acted like that.. Thank you for taking care of my son.."

Jisung goes into his knees and looks at Taeyeon. "Ma'am.. I completely understand.. Any mother would always want the best for their children.." Taeyeon stood up and grins.

"You're a good kid, Jisung.."

The taller felt embarassed and scratches his neck. Taeyeon goes to Chenle again to wipe his tears. While doing so, she pats Chenle's hair and fixes it, making the smaller closed his eyes. Jisung thought that he was like a kitten.

"They're cute, right?" Heechul asked him, standing on his side.

"Yes.. He's cute- I mean they're cute!" Jisung stuttered and laughs awkwardly. Heechul smirked at him. "So, you find Chenle cute?" he teased.

He quickly avoided the topic. "By the way, Chenle cooked breakfast and it was really good.. Let's go eat before it gets cold.." The smaller smiled happily and jumps cutely. "Yey! Jisung liked the food that I cooked! Let's go eat, Mom! Uncle!"

The three of them goes to the kitchen, while Jisung watches. To be precise, watching Chenle who walks happily. His heart is beating fast while looking at the boy, he didn't know why.

But one thing is for sure. He wants to see Chenle happy all the time.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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