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They are now silently walking towards Kun's store

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They are now silently walking towards Kun's store. Chenle didn't asked anything, on why Jisung had cried, or why did he suddenly hugged him. He didn't want to invade the boy's privacy and wants to respect Jisung's side.

The taller is still sniffling, with a mix of occassional hiccups due to his breakdown earlier. Then, he looks at Chenle who was walking silently and looking around the streets. He noticed that the smaller is uncomfortable, looking like he wants to say something, but restraing himself.

Jisung laughs, making Chenle look at him. "Why are you laughing?" the smaller asked. Jisung wipes his face first before answering. "You can be your usual cheerful self, Chenle.. No need to be so silent.." The smaller's eyes widened, then looks down, feeling flustered.

"Am I that obvious?" he asked shyly. "Yes?" Jisung laughs again. The smaller looks up and pouts. "What's so funny?" The taller looks at him. "I know that you have a lot of questions on your mind.. As to why did I cry and hugged you earlier, right?"

Chenle nods, making Jisung grins. "Don't worry, Chenle.. I'll tell you everything.." On that short walk to Kun's store, Jisung had told everything about Queenie and what happened to her. After telling everything, the smaller got flustered.

"I'm so sorry, Jisung.. I shoudn't have let you refresh these memories again.." Jisung shakes his head. "It's fine, really.. Yes, it is really sad, but earlier today, when I saw you comforting the kid, it was like Queenie is telling me to be free.. Free from the guilt that I was bearing for a long time.."

Then he looks at Chenle's face fondly and lovingly. "Thank you very much, Chenle.." The smaller smiled cutely. "No worries, Jisung.. If I may ask, are we there yet?" Jisung looks around and smiled when he saw a store in front of them.

"We're here.." pointing out a very fancy looking shop.

The facade of the store was painted on a royal blue-colored paint, making it stand out among the stores on the street. The signage at the top is a neon-type, that it made it look like a vintage one.

"Kun's Flower Shop and Perfumes"

"Is that your friend's shop?" Chenle asked. Jisung nods and pulled him, crossing the street. "Yes, come on now!" They opened the door and a tiny sound of bell echoed inside.

Chenle's eyes widened when he saw plenty of beautiful flowers around, looking fresh and misty. He tried to smell the roses and was surprised when it gave off a very perfume-y scent.

"These roses smells really good.." the smaller smiled. Suddenly, Kun appeared from the door near the cash register, holding a bunch of lilies. "Jisung! I missed you so much!"

The taller bowed politely. "Hello, Kun hyung.." Then, Kun diverts his gaze to Chenle, who is shyly hiding on Jisung's back. The smaller slowly came out and bowed. "Hello.. My name is Kim Chenle.." he said cutely.

Kun immediately puts down the flowers he was holding and run towards Chenle, hugging the small boy. "You're so cute! You're a baby! Jisung? Where did you pick up this baby?" Kun squealed.

Chenle looks uncomfortable first, but is now liking how Kun hugs him. Jisung sighed then smiled, looking at both of them. He was worried that Kun might not be fond of Chenle, however, looking on how Kun babies Chenle, he smiled.

"Looks like I don't have anything to worry about.." he thought.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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