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He's standing in front of his bedroom door, mouth wide open, still shocked on what his own bedroom had become

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He's standing in front of his bedroom door, mouth wide open, still shocked on what his own bedroom had become. It was like a magical world that he would always see on movies and cartoons.

The ceiling and the wall are filled with bright and shining fairy lights, making the room more dreamy and magical. It was like a million of stars on a peaceful night. His bed had transformed into a camp-like setup, a blanket fort that looks like a tent, with plenty of fluffy pillows inside.

On the floor lies a lamp that looks a bonfire, with plenty of pillows surrounds it. At the other side, a table stood with two chairs. It really was a dream come true to Chenle. His eyes still couldn't believed it.

Suddenly, Jisung appeared behind the make-shift tent (blanket fort), smiling shyly at the smaller. "Hi Lele.." he smiled, while scratching his head. "You said you wanted to camp again, right? Sorry, I couldn't take you out.. This is all that I can do-"

However, he couldn't finish what he was saying when the smaller runs up to him, jumping on his arms. Jisung immediately caught him, and carried him like a baby. He smiled and starts to sway the smaller on his arms.

"Did you like it?" he asked. He didn't get any answer, but Chenle starts to sniffle and he can feel some tears wetting his neck, it made him a little worried. "Hey, why are you crying?" he asked softly.

He sits on the bed and laid the smaller on his lap, before grabbing his face softly, looking at Chenle's tear stained cheeks. "Please don't cry, Lele.." he pleads, while wiping the tears away with his thumb.

Chenle sniffs again before speaking. "Did you do all this for me?" he asked. Jisung laughs softly, pinching the smaller's cheeks softly with his both hands. "Of course, you deserved the best, Lele.."

The smaller looks at him again before hugging him tightly. "Please don't leave me.." he mumbles on Jisung's chest. The taller laughs before hugging back, rubbing comforting circles on the smaller's back. "If only I could take you with me, Lele.."

A knock can be heard at the door, revealing Taeyeon who watches them with loving eyes. "Did I disturb something?" she asked playfully. Jisung's face immediately went red, while Chenle immediately pulled away and looks at his mom.

"Dinner is served.." she smiled.

"Woah.. This looks amazing, Jisungie.." Chenle compliments him, looking at the food which his mother had brought from the kitchen. It is spaghetti with meatballs, which Taeyeon mostly prepared, with the help of Jisung.

"Jisung helped me a lot in cooking this dish.." Taeyeon proudly announced, making the taller flustered. "You're really amazing, Jisungie!" he cheered. Taeyeon also made them a fruit shake for a drink.

"Enjoy the food, boys!" Taeyeon announced, before leaving the room. Chenle quickly gets his fork and starts to dig in. "Thank you for the food!" he cheered. After tasting the food, Chenle smiled widely. "This is so good, Jisungie!"

Jisung felt really shy because of the smaller's compliments, but was happy to see that Chenle is enjoying it. He's saving all this moments on his mind, because it'll be a month before he can see this again.

After eating, they played some card games, which Jisung let Chenle win everytime. Because looking at how he made the smaller smiled and contented, he feels that he's a winner too.

They both laid side by side inside the blanket fort, looking at the ceiling filled with bright fairy lights. Chenle almost forgot to show the taller his new phone, and then they took selfies together, playing with the camera filters.

After a few moments, it went silent again, but this time, it was broken by Chenle's soft snores. Jisung smiled, before pulling Chenle softly into his arms. The smaller unconsciously clings on him like a koala again.

He nuzzled his face on Chenle's soft hair, inhaling the sweet scent of his shampoo. "I want to see you happy like this everyday.." Jisung mumbles before falling asleep as well, tightening his hug on the smaller.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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