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When Jisung recognized that voice, he was surprised and turned around quickly, seeing Kun standing behind him, with a wide smile on it's face

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When Jisung recognized that voice, he was surprised and turned around quickly, seeing Kun standing behind him, with a wide smile on it's face. "Kun-hyung!" the taller exclaimed, making the chinese boy laugh.

"So, you think Chenle is pretty, hmm?" he asked teasingly, making the taller blushed and flustered. "No, it's not! I was talking about the flowers, okay?" he stuttered, can't look straightly on Kun's eyes. The chinese boy laughs again before ruffling his hair.

"Cute.." he muttered. "Don't worry.. I won't tell Chenle.." he smiled. Jisung whined cutely. "Hyuuuung!" Kun had made his way inside the flower shop, saying hello to some of the customers, who always visits the shop and buying generous amount of flowers.

Jisung gulped before entering the shop, opening the door, and looks around. "Thank you! Come again!" Chenle greets at the previous customer, before seeing the taller entering the door. His face brightens up and smiled happily.

"Jisung!" Chenle yelled cheerfully, making the taller look at him. Jisung instantly smiled when he saw the smaller waving at him. However, since that day when he saw Chenle's wishlist, his feelings for the smaller became stronger.

Jisung was amused while reading Chenle's wishlist. He is amazed on how the smaller's wishlist are like:

-Trick or Treat
-Movie Marathon
-Grocery shopping

The taller laughs softly on the fourth item at the list. "Why are you laughing?" Chenle looks at him. "Really, Lele? Grocery shopping?" Jisung looks at him, teasing him softly.

"Yes, that's one of my wish.." the smaller insisted. "I felt guilty.. My mom's income is just enough for our daily needs.. When we go to the grocery store, we just always buy the things that we really need.. I want to experience grocery shopping for plenty of food that can fill our fridge with my hard-earned money.." the smaller explained.

"I understand you, Chenle.." the taller smiled. "But having a hard time to make the ends meet, I felt guilty for having this kind of wants.. That we must prioritize first the things that we need, right?" the smaller sighed.

He doesn't know how to comfort the smaller. He just decided on that day, he would help Chenle to accomplish his wishlist happily.

Still scanning on the list, he suddenly got flustered on the last item on the wishlist.

"First kiss.."

However, the odd thing about it is it was crossed out already. He wanted to ask why, but deep inside, he already knew the answer. "Why are you silent, Jisung?" the smaller looks at the list. "Oh? The first kiss.." Chenle said calmly.

"How is he so calm about this?!" Jisung thought.

"It was crossed out already because you already gave it to me, Jisung.." Chenle had dropped the bomb with an innocent face, making Jisung felt frustrated. "What do you think about it?" Jisung asked slowly.

"Honestly? I don't know yet.. I'm still not into love and other kind of things.." he replied, making Jisung's heart hurt a little bit.

And now, Jisung was blaming Chenle's wishlist for igniting his feelings.

Back at the present, Chenle runs from the register and jumps on Jisung's arms, the taller catching and carrying him, spinning him around playfully. He didn't know why, but it felt like they are doing this for a long time already.

Chenle jumps off from his arms and smiled at him. "Are you gonna pick me up already?" the smaller asked. "Yes.." Jisung answered. The smaller smiled and immediately went to get his stuffs at the staff room.

Jisung just watches him, his heart beating fast like it was about to leap out from his body. He clutches on his chest and punches it softly. "Why are you so weak, my heart.. Don't fall in love, we might get hurt.." he talks to himself.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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