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After the second session of the day, Haechan, Renjun and Jisung took a break at the building's cafeteria, talking with other heirs and heiresses who also joined the prestigious seminar

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After the second session of the day, Haechan, Renjun and Jisung took a break at the building's cafeteria, talking with other heirs and heiresses who also joined the prestigious seminar.

Taking a seat at one of the tables, Jisung immediately pulled out his phone to check if Chenle is online. He didn't want to call the smaller personally, since he might be on class or something, he didn't want to disturb him.

Jisung would only facetime if he is online and vice versa, Chenle would only call him if he is online. They both agreed on this kind of setup.

Taking a sip on his ice cold coffee, Jisung frowned when he saw that the latter is still not online, and his two hyungs immediately noticed it. "Why the sour face, Sung?" Haechan asked, munching on his chocolate cookie.

"Lele is still not online.. Maybe he's still busy.." he sighed while staring at his phone. The two looked at each other while giggling. "So, you call him Lele now?" Renjun teased. Jisung realizes the nickname had slipped out of his mouth again.

"Yes.. We agreed to call each other's nickname.." he looks down, blush creeping on his face. "That's cute.." Haechan teased. "So, is he your boyfriend now?" That question made the taller really flustered and flops down his face on the table.

"We're just friends, hyungs.." he mumbles shyly, making the two cooed at him. "So basically, you like him and you want to be more than friends with him.." Renjun said while sipping on his tea.

Jisung jolts up his head and looks at them. "Is it obvious?" he asked, making both of them rolled their eyes. "Obvious? Seriously, Jisung? You're like a puppy.. You're really whipped.. The heart eyes you always give to him, the gestures, the stares.. You're really obvious, Park Jisung.."

The taller sighed, still looking at his iced coffee.

"Why don't you confess what you really feel, Sung.." Haechan suggested. Jisung immediately shakes his hands in front of them. "No way, hyungs.. I don't want to ruin our friendship.. Plus it would be painful if he couldn't return my feelings back.. Or worst, losing him as my friend.." he bowed down.

The two looked at each other, bright smile on their faces. They both learned that Jisung really likes Chenle, he would always put the smaller first.

"Chenle is not like that, Sung.. He's a literal fluff of sunshine.. It's not that bad confessing your feelings to him.. If Hanahaki disease is real, you'll be the one suffering.." Renjun teased him.

Jisung took a deep breath. "Okay hyungs.. After this one month seminar, I'll confess my feelings to him.. It's now or never.." he cheered, making his two hyungs proud of him.

"Let me go! Where are you taking me!" Chenle screams, while Mirae drags him at the secluded part of the university. Upon reaching the place, the woman had let go his wrist and laughs at him.

"You're really something, you know that, Kim Chenle?" Mirae glares at him. "You took away Jisung from me, he's mine, do you understand that?!" she shouted, making the smaller flinched.

His heart starts to beat irregularly due to stress that he is feeling right now. "Jisung and I are just friends.." he reasoned out. Mirae laughs at him again. "Oh really, friends? Yet, Jisung always give you the heart eyes when he looks at you.."

Chenle couldn't say anything. He was surprised to know that Mirae also noticed it. Does Jisung really do those things when he's with him?

"And now you can't even say anything, Chenle.." she snickered, walking closer to him. "Because it's the truth, you like Jisung!" she screamed angrily, making the smaller flinched again, but this time, he can feel some pain on his chest.

"You're not even on his level, Chenle.. He's rich.. We're rich.. And you're just poor.. Know your place, Cheap-Le.." she teased. Tears starts to flow from the smaller's eyes, making Mirae laugh again.

"And now, all you can do is to cry.. Poor Chenle.. And I mean it literally.." she teases again. Suddenly, she heard a shout, mentioning Chenle's name.

"Chenle!" Jeno appeared, rushing to the smaller's side to comfort him. "Are you okay?" he asked. The smaller just nods before wiping his tears. He glares at Mirae. "You're such a bitch, Mirae.."

The woman just laughs again. "I know, Jeno.. Urgh! Princess Cheap-Le always has a prince to save him.." she teased again, before leaving them. Jeno assisted him to stand up. "Did she hurt you?" he asked, the smaller shaking his head in response.

"Let me walk you home, okay?" Jeno asks, which Chenle had gladly accepted.

Thank you for reading! 💓

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