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When Krystal announced to everyone to decide for the project, Chenle quickly looks at Haechan and Renjun, who was now already discussing what they wanted to do

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When Krystal announced to everyone to decide for the project, Chenle quickly looks at Haechan and Renjun, who was now already discussing what they wanted to do. "Are you guys partners already?" he asked sadly.

Haechan saw his sad face and was about to tell him to join when Renjun quickly interferes. "Yes, sweetie.. I'm sorry.. Unfortunately, the topic that we chose has the maximum of two persons only.. Sorry, Chenle.."

The smaller was a little bit disappointed but smiled anyway. "It's alright, hyungs.. I'll just find someone who can have me as a partner.. Enjoy your research, hyungs.." he went away and goes to the other seats to find someone.

"That's too mean, Junnie!" Haechan glares at him. "Poor, Chenle.. Look.. He was like a small baby at the crowd.." pointing at Chenle who wanders around the room. Renjun released a deep breath. "I didn't mean it, Haechan.. I swear.. I just hope that Jisung would notice it.."

"Notice what?" Haechan asked. After a few moments, he quickly picked up what Renjun is trying to do, then glued his eyes on the smaller. On the other hand, Chenle is having a hard time finding a partner.

He gave up and took a seat, pulling out his notebook to think of a topic where he can work on alone. He was scribbling on the notes when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He looked up and was surprised to see Jisung.

"Hey.. Want to be partners?" Jisung asked, a little bit nervous and shaky. Chenle couldn't believed it. He was so happy, he stood up and smiled widely. "Yes!" The taller smiled, feeling happy that Chenle agreed.

He didn't expected that Chenle would run into him and tackles him on a hug, making him shocked and flustered at the same time. "Thank you, Jisung!" the smaller cheered while hugging him.

Jisung grins, before hugging back the smaller. "You're always welcome, Chenle.." he said, while engulfing the smaller into his arms. Then, he noticed that everyone is staring at them, including Mirae who is giving them cold glares.

Good thing that Chenle pulled away and looked up to Jisung. "Shall we decide what topic would we do?" Jisung looks down on him, liking the cute height difference between them. "Sure.." he smiled warmly.

"Is there any topic that you really want to do?" Chenle asked him. Jisung shakes his head. "Not really.. I'll go whatever you choose.. Fine by me.." The smaller pouts, pulling out his thinking face, which made Jisung want to squish his cheeks and peck that-

"How about we say together the topic that we wanted to work on?" Chenle suddenly said, breaking Jisung's thoughts about something. "Sure.." Jisung nods. "What am I thinking earlier?" he thought.

"Okay.. At the count of three.. We shall say the topic that we want to work on, okay?" Jisung nods, preparing his self. Chenle starts to countdown.




"Stars!" they both exclaimed. They noticed that they blurted out the same topic, making them laugh. "That was amazing!" Chenle giggles. Jisung laughs silently too. "That was fun.."

Both of them goes to Krystal to endorse the activity or topic that they wanted to do. The professor smiles at them. "So, will you guys partner up?" Both boys nod. "Great! May I know what topic would you spend time on?"

"Stars.." Jisung happily replied. "Great choice!" Krystal exclaimed. She lists their names and the topic that they chose. "As for the topic, what would I suggest is that go to a planetarium, read books about stars and watch a meteor shower.."

Chenle was excited when he heard all of the tasks that they needed. "This is gonna be fun!" the smaller looks up at Jisung. The taller, on the other hand, looks back at smiled sweetly at Chenle.

"Yes, Chenle.. This is gonna be so much fun.."

Thank you for reading! 💓

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