act one , farm

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A C T  O N E, I N T R O

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A C T O N E, I N T R O.
with their spouses the two
refuse to look at each other
differently, but seemingly,
they can't stop.

emmy rossum


nikki walsh

wife of shane walsh

thirty-threewife of shane walsh

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angelina jolie


karleen jonas

sister of nikki

forty-sevensister of nikki

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malinna weissman


lola walsh

daughter of nikki and shane walsh

elevendaughter of nikki and shane walsh

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our walking dead family



note : i wrote this story almost three years ago when my writing skills weren't as great, it's not absolutely terrible but just a warning

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note : i wrote this story almost three years ago when my writing skills weren't as great, it's not absolutely terrible but just a warning. also this book is lowkey problematic 😁

and if you are worried about there
being too many oc's, let's
just say, well, ones sacrifice
for character development..

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