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hi sweetie, i'm deannamonroe

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hi sweetie,
i'm deanna
lola right?

yes, yes i am.

i figured.
how are you?

i'm doing pretty good, other
than pretty drained.
the world beyond these
gates ain't tulips and daises.

i'm doing okay,
thank you hon.
now i wanted to
start with asking,
how old are you?

i'm twelve—was eleven
when this all started.
carl's two years older
than me—not that it has to
do with anything though,
it's just a known fact.

oh, alright. now i'm
curious, what was it
like being a child
and living out there
in a world like that?

i guess i kinda just, got lucky.
with my mom, my group. we've
all been together for awhile,
and they're all willing to
protect me, which is
something i'm grateful for.

i'm glad, lola. your
mother told me about
your father, how have
you been able to cope
with that?

there isn't any specific way for
it, other than time. time helps
you heal, and that's what me
and my mom did, with time,
we healed, and we moved on.
i just can't ever be alone.

i'm sorry for your loss,
lola. but what do you
mean by that if i may
ask? you can't ever be alone?

if i'm being honest, the main
reason we lost some people in
our group is because they decided
to go off on their own, they got
attacked by a walker, or someone,
and no one was there to save them.
and when we got there, it was too
late. so i'm always with someone,
my mom, carl, anyone in the
group at all times. i just get
afraid i guess, isolophobia.

that's a good strategy
lola. is carl, rick, judith,
are they your family now too?

y'know, i'll be honest, never in a
million years would i have expected
my mom and rick to get together,
but i saw the looks, the way one watched
when the other wasn't looking. they caught feelings—found love again. i didn't understand it as much at first, but my
mom deserved happiness, so did rick.
me and carl are supportive, he's always
been like my brother anyways.

well i'm glad everything
fell into place for you guys,
but i want to know, would
you be willing to start school
here? it's like a program,
no longer than two hours.

i'll be honest, you'll have to take
that up with my mom, but it depends
if carl wants to do it. if he
won't, then i won't. i rarely leave
his side, no matter what. so it just
depends on him, my mom
already taught us everything
we need to know, basic math,
basic vocabulary, all that.

okay, i'll check in with
your mom about that. but
i'll let you go and shower,
thank you for your time, lola.

gif is of lola talking with deanna!

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