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lola and i continued walking down the unknown roads. there were no vehicles in sight, nothing. we haven't heard gunfire, people, not a single thing, nor buildings. and honestly, i don't know how long we'll last on our own just the two of us, but i'll do anything for her, to protect her.
from the second i laid my eyes on her, it was weird to me because i just-knew, i had to do anything i possibly could for her, protect her, love her, anything. and i remember first finding out i was pregnant, it shook me to the core because back then i didn't ever imagine myself being a mother—maybe in fifteen years, but never at twenty one.
then shane, i used to have him on my mind all the time, but then recently i just stopped thinking of him so often, no longer holding onto my past, same with karleen. i never forgot about her obviously, but i just stopped thinking of her so often. them two were big factors of my life before, and briefly after the world ended—but now they're gone, leaving me to fend for myself and now, the one i love most.
including rick, i hope i didn't spend my time having feelings for him and then just a couple days ago admitting what i felt to him—just to loose him. if that's the case, and i never done him again, or he's dead, i'll vow to myself to never fall in love with another soul again. i mean now, who knows if he's alive? so i won't give up hope, i can't now, especially for lola. "it's been a day mom, and we're already running low on everything." lola states in a tired manner. "i know baby, there seems to be some houses coming up here in a bit." i inform lola, pointing around the nearby neighborhood.
huh, now that i think about it, we haven't been in neighborhoods since jumping house to house after the farm, and that's when we found the prison.
judging by looks of the houses, some doors were wide open, some were blocked off, i chose ones with the doors closed. when me and lola walked up to the porch, i scanned our surroundings before loudly banging on the glass with my knuckle, hoping walkers would follow my noise.
"it feels kinda good." i hear lola tell me as i peer inside the house. i raise an eyebrow in confusion and turn my head to her, "now what do you mean by that?"
she just shrugs, holding her small black revolver in hand as she looked around, "i don't know, i guess just being cooped up in that prison for two and a half months took a toll on me, it feels good to get out here again even though it's dangerous."
i nod in understanding, peering back into the house one last time, "okay, i think we're clear of walkers in this house unless they're trapped in a room, c'mon." i turn the doorknob and slowly open the door, the gust of death hitting me immediately.
together, me and lola cleared each room of the house, then raided it of any food, water, batteries, or anything useful. maybe we could sleep here depending for the last two nights we spent it in woods. grabbing a can of chicken soup, i stuff it in my bag. "jackpot!" i hear lola yell from the kitchen. curious, i go and see what she has. on the dusty counter, i see she'd found three water bottles.
"good job, baby." i praise her with a smile, grabbing the bottles one by one and stuffing it in my satchel. occupied with putting it in there, i didn't hear lola calling me until she shook my arm. "mom!" she hissed. closing my satchel shut, i snap up my head and draw my eyes to her, "what?"
her eyes were fixated on the window above the counter, staring at something outside. she points, "look." in curiousness, i go behind her to see what she was seeing, and then full on shock hit me. it was carl and michonne, completely clueless we were right across from them. happiness bursts inside me, they were alive, thank god.
with lola giggling with excitement, she slides open the window. i didn't know that she was doing, so i was gonna just go along with it. she grabs a nearby random fork and chucks it at the window, making a loud bang!
michonne and carl jump, and in reflex carl points a gun at us, rick's gun specifically. their eyes widen in surprise, and carl slowly lowers the gun. "hey numbskull!" lola shouts to carl with a wave, her smile was huge at the fact she found him again. letting out a small chuckle, lola runs out of the house, and i'm right on her tail.
as soon as we jump off of the porch we finally meet up with the two. carl and lola clash into each other with a hug, and i'm sure i heard lola crying. an uncontrollable smile on my face, i wrap my arms around michonne, both of us hugging tight. she starts laughing when we pull away, "what the hell? how'd you guys get out? i saw you at the gates with everyone else—but that's the last time i saw you."
i chuckle, "well—after they started moving in on the prison i went and grabbed lola, then we sprinted towards the administration building, cut through the woods, and ever since we've just been moving. what about you?"
she sighs, "i killed the governor—and after that the prison was lost, walkers everywhere. so i was alone for a day until i found rick and carl-"
"ricks alive?" i abruptly cut in with surprise, my eyes were wide and my heart felt as if it were pumping out of my chest. michonne chuckled, "yeah—rick's alive, but he got hurt pretty bad, shot in the leg, beaten down, but he's healing well, he's fine. we've just ran out of food so me and carl were scrounging around for any supplies, that's when we found you."
i nod in response. not only did we find carl and michonne—but rick's alive, and he's okay. the one man i missed more than anything since the prison, and of course i'm scared out of my mind about everyone else, i just really missed rick the most.
when carl pulls away from lola, michonne looks at her watch, "it's noon, we promised rick we'd be back around this time, we should head back." michonne explains, readjusting the duffel bag on her shoulder. "what's your guys' plan when u get back?" i ask.
michonne shrugs, "we were gonna head south, follow the train tracks. why?" i nod, "me and lola 'ill meet you guys there, yeah?"
"wait why? don't you wanna get back and see your man?" lola taunts with a sarcastic and seductive smirk, i couldn't help but laugh. "yes i do but we slept near there last night, remember? the train tracks? we left a couple things that i wanna get, so—meet you three there?" i explain simply, and the two nod in agreement.
realizing i hadn't hugged carl yet, i pull him into a tight squeeze, "you make sure you tell your dad i'm alright, okay?" i remind carl, slowly pulling away from him, he nods in agreement. and then we went our separate ways, but words couldn't explain how excited i was to see rick again.