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and so it was decided, to kill randall. execute him for good. dale went off somewhere but everyone else went back to the campsite. not gonna lie, it was a hard decision, but it had to be made. we have to take risks to survive. and if killing a man is to do so, than so be it.
i was in me, carol, and lola's tent, the small lantern illuminating the entire tent with dim light. carol was right outside the tent cleaning up, leaving me and lola in here. "mommy, i heard dale yelling when me and carl were with jimmy. did you all decide?"
i sigh, turning my head to look at her. "yes baby, we did. we decided to kill him. and you may think it's wrong but baby." i grab her hand, "in this world, we will do right, and we will do wrong. but this, this is right. you just have to use your head."
she nods, "it's okay mommy. he's gonna go to heaven soon that means. so he'll be safe. the way i think of it he's luckier than all of us."
i smile, "you are the most intuitive kid i've ever met. i love you." lola tackles me into a hug, "i love you too mommy."
"i love you too, baby."
i give her a kiss on the forehead, "let's go outside and see the others." lola nods, grabbing my hand as i led her outside our tent. and just as we did, rick and carl show up. everyone stood up, waiting for what he had to say. "we're keeping him in custody, for now."
maggie stands up and goes towards the house to tell her family the news. while andrea announces she's gonna go find dale, walking off herself. "carl, go inside. now, please." lori tells carl. who reluctantly went inside their tent.
"he followed us. he wanted to watch. i couldn't."
"it's okay. that's okay." lori says.
suddenly screaming emerged from somewhere around the farm. immediately, i reacted. "lola i want you to go with carl, okay? stay with him." lola nods and goes with carl, they both started running towards the house. i whip back around and break off in a sprint after rick.
as we got closer to the commotion everyone was coming in on all directions to see what was happening. "help! over here!" daryl jumps up and waves his arms.
when we all get to the scene we see it's dale. blood soaking his shirt, his guts spilling out. i gag at the sight. i heard andrea crying, and peoples shocked reactions. next to dale was a dead walker i'm guessing got dale. and daryl killed.
"what happened?" hershel asks as he caught up with us. "we need to get back to the house." hershel shakes his head, "he won't make the trip."
"then we operate here. glenn run back to the house-"
"rick." hershel interrupts. everyone knew, dale was gonna die. "no!" rick screams, pacing back and forth in denial. andrea was sobbing, dale was choking on his own blood. his guts were rearranged, the cuts too deep, he lost too much blood. it's too late.
i felt arms wrap around my torso, and when i looked down it was lola. crying. i just kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. dale, he was groaning in pain, clenching a fist of grass to help retain it.
with tears flooding my eyes i look at shane, crying his name. shane immediately crouched down with me and lola and wraps his arms around the both of us. and i cry into his chest. death. so much death. is this what we're gonna have to get used to now?