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my names deanna monroe, nikki right?

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my names deanna
monroe, nikki right?

um, yeah, i am.

how's your arm feeling?
i know you just got
proper antibiotics
so you're getting better, right?

yes, thank you.

how's your eye also?
mind telling me what
happened for it to get
that way? all bruised?

i got in a fight with another
outsider, a woman. she clocked me
in the eye with her gun, that's
how it got bruised.

i'm very sorry
that happened, nikki.

it's fine, it happened.
i'm alright.

i'm glad. back in
ohio, i was a
district fifteen, what
about you?

does it matter?

yes, more than
you think.

okay, well i
was uh-a bartender
before i had my
daughter lola, but after
that, i became a staff
member at a middle
school, an advisor i guess
you could say, kids came to
me for advice and i
gave it to 'em.

that's wonderful,
now, were you with
rick before
all this-

no, i wasn't. i had a husband, and
his name was shane, lola's dad.

can you tell me
about him, what
happened to him

it matters?

no matter what people
say nikki, everyone's past
defines them to who they
are in the current.

he was short tempered, a
police officer like rick, but
the only reason he's dead
today was because he realized
what the world was before any
of us. and he, he made
love possible for me. but
about nine months ago, he
uh-tried to kill rick and rick
had no choice but to
y'know-kill him, i saw it all.

i'm very sorry about
that, now i don't mean to
offend you but-you
were friends with
rick's former wife, yes?
and he was friends
with shane? so that means
that after they died, you
and rick fell into love?

i-well when you
say it like that, it sounds
funny, but it's true, yeah.
carl and lola are like siblings
now, it all just kinda
fell into place for us.

and judith is your
daughter, right?

yes but-not biological,
her real mom, rick's
wife, died from
childbirth, and i promised
to look after her
so-here i am,
her mother now.

i'm sorry to hear that.

it's just how it was and
how it is now, as much
as i miss them, i
wouldn't change how
everything went down,
there was a reason for it.

well i'm glad you
guys are okay.
anyways, i'd like to
know your perspective
on this community,
do you see good things
happening here?

i guess, i like it.
it's just—my kids, they
deserve a roof, a safe
environment to grow
up in, that's what i
want for 'em, more
than anything.

well you're in lucky, nik.
this place is it for them, i
swear to you.

yeah, i hope.
anyways, you got
a job figured out for me?

yes, actually. i'll let
the community know
that you can be our knew
psychiatrist, or advisor
i'd rather say. people can
come to you for advice
and you can still raise
judith on your own time.

i'd like that
actually—thank you.

you're welcome,

!gif is of nik being interviewed by deanna!

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