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fear. it's all i felt in this very moment. it just coursed through my veins second by second. i didn't know where i was, it looked like another boxcar, but it was dark, cold, and i was alone. i felt the cold air on my exposed skin. i was freezing, and i didn't know what was going on. where's rick? lola? carl? michonne? the others?
all i remembered is that we were getting ready to fight and then suddenly they dropped weird smoke bombs from the roof—and that's all i remember. slowly, i took in a breath, and exhaled. i have to get out of here. and get to lola, find rick and the others. i need to.
hugging myself from the cold, i start walking around the traincar. i go closer to the door, peering through the cracks, trying to see anything. after a few minutes of nothing, a woman with an ak-47 start coming towards my boxcar. i whipped out the big knife i had hidden in my bra, backing up towards the closest corner of the traincar. this is my chance, and i have to take it. i hear the woman banging on the door, "alrighty girl—it's time for you to rise and shine, gareth wants to see you."
she slides open the metal door, sunlight poured in so bright i could see random particles floating around in the air. as soon as she stepped inside, and looked in the wrong direction, i made a move. i jumped onto her and grabbed her gun, only she jabbed the back of her gun into my right eye, pushing me back in surprise.
i made a left hook and swung my knife into her neck with no hesitation. she fell to her knees, dropping her gun instantly. i yanked out my knife, and blood poured out of the girls neck. i didn't wanna kill her, but i had to. i rubbed my right eye in pain, it burned, and it was hard to keep open. it was probably gonna bruise intensely, yay.
i raided the gun off the dead girl, slowly creeping my way out the boxcar. as soon as i felt the sunlight on my face, i knew it was go time. i jinxed my way through the community, searching rooms, hopefully trying to find one of us.
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it came as a shock to me, my back hit a nearby wall and i felt the ground vibrate, my ears were pierced from a ringing sound for a brief second and i didn't know what was going on. this is bad, i have to find the others now.
i made my way into another small warehouse, and that's when i saw them. rick, daryl, glenn, and bob next to a metal tub with their faces hunched over it. there were other dead guys too, laying there. i heard the butchers swapping opinions on what to do, and i saw rick standing up, he must've gotten out of his binds.
when the one guy turned his back, i made my move. i jumped on top of him, plunging my knife into his skull, letting him fall face first onto the concrete. when i yanked the knife out of his skull and looked up, i saw rick had taken care of the other guy.
"rick." i breath out in relief, jumping into his arms. we shared a quick moment—but knew we had to get moving, so i helped him untie the others.
"if they got problems—we got a chance."
"it sounded like a bomb." glenn adds as i help him take off the cloth around his mouth. "sounds like a damn war is what." i breathe out as i move to daryl, and successfully took of his binds. "what the hell are these people?"
the boys grab some nearby weapons off the surgical-looking table, and we move further on to another room, which looked like a damn meat locker. the only thing was that human torsos were hanging on hooks, along with loose limbs. my stomach churned, it was sick, and i wanted to puke. i gag at the gut wrenching smell as daryl finds a pipe, "we gotta get outta here."
we moved to a glass door, where we saw a man yelling for help in another train car, about four walkers surrounded the front. "we can get by 'em if we run. they're distracted." rick suggests, and i agreed, "he's right, we have a faster chance at getting back to the others."
"we gotta let those people out." glenn protested, and we all shared a hesitant look to him. "that's still who we are. it's got to be." he continued with a stern tone. and reluctantly, we all agreed. cautiously, we moved towards the train car, where the walkers started to notice us.
all of us easily took out the walkers, and that's when glenn started to pry open the train car door. when he popped it open a crazy man ran out screaming, attacking rick, but he resisted.
"we're the same, we're them!" the crazy man screamed before rick pushed him away. the man started to laugh creepily, but was taken down by a couple walkers faster than i could take another breath.
me and glenn go and pike the two walkers that took down the man, but the wind was knocked out of me when i was suddenly pulled back by daryl, back behind the train car. i was confused at first, but when i heard gunfire near i knew why. i stood close next to rick as the gunners started to pass. oh this is bad, we're stuck.