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"oh shit

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"oh shit." was the first thing that came out of my mouth as soon as my eyes made contact with the positive test, i'm pregnant, eight weeks pregnant. i was in the doctor's residence of alexandria, denise gave me a test and sent me to the bathroom.

i was was sitting on the bathroom floor, holding the test in my hand. my hands were shaking, chills ran down my back, and i felt sick. everything felt like i was in slow motion. i'm pregnant, with rick's baby. me and him are gonna have a biological child of our own, i can't believe it, this is crazy, how am i supposed to tell him—

a couple knocks on the wooden bathroom door dropped me out of my stunned trance, it was probably denise wondering how i was doing. "yeah? you can come in!" i shout out, clenching the test in my fist for some unknown reason, i'm not mad about the baby, just shocked.

the door opened to revealed jessie, who was the last person i expected it to be. i raise an eyebrow at her in confusion, "yeah? uh—hi?"

she was looking down at me from the doorway, her eyes flickering back and forth towards me and the test, well, can't hide it now. she joins the bathroom with me and shuts the door behind her, what is she doing?

jessie continued, and leaned against the pristine white bathroom counter, she crosses her arms, "so you're pregnant huh?"

i just shrug, "yeah-i am, i guess. eight weeks, which means two months." i sigh in frustration and rub my forehead in distress, "i mean how the hell did i not know? or suspect it?"

she chuckles, "well there's been a lot going on around here this past month, and i'm sure you and your group were too busy surviving for you to realize you were pregnant. weren't you dealing with an infection when you got here as well? you probably thought the symptoms were just apart of that."

i sigh in distress, "you're probably right." now would be the good time i guess to confront her. i stand up from the bathroom floor and turn my body towards her, giving her a silent glare.

"just so you know—nothing's bigger than family." i spit, leaning the top half of my body against the bathroom counter, looking up at jessie, "and i know your children have no father, i know you're having a hard time, but it isn't rick's problem. you can try, but you'll loose—every, single, time, got it?"

jessie was silent for a second, before nodding in understanding, "no—no, i got it. you don't have to worry."

"good." i reply, "now, anything from our people outside yet?"

she nods yet again, "uh yeah—michonne and a couple others are back, they're outside with a couple of your group members, rosita, maggie, and lola i believe."

i nod, getting back up in standing position, "okay, thanks." i exited the bathroom, with the test tucked in my back pocket. what do i do now?

with my arms crossed, i enter a random bedroom of jessie's house, where i saw rick at the window peeking through the curtains, my guess for watching out on the herd.

me, rick, carl, lola, ron, jessie, sam, judith, deanna, and the girl i saved in her backyard during the attack, whose name i later learned is kenzie, are all stuck in jessie's house hiding out from the walkers. kenzie and lola are bonding quite well, i'm just glad she's distracted from all this.

"you see anything out the ordinary?" i ask as i approach him, meeting him at the window. rick glances at me next to him before shaking his head, he shuts the blinds, "no—nothin', they're still roaming around."

i nod, we all just recently learned that deanna is bitten, and it's sad not gonna lie, death is always sad in ways no matter how you felt about them. "how's deanna takin' this?" rick asks me, his eyes meeting mine.

i shrug, "i was just with her and michonne, she's calm—oddly accepting. she's getting more pale though, and weak."

rick sighs, rubbing his stubble in distress, "are you sure you're okay though? ever since we've been in this house you can't look at me, everything okay?"

my heartbeat increased by ten, how do i tell rick i'm pregnant? i should right? no, i have to, this is his child, he's gonna have to know no matter what. i exhale slowly, reaching behind me for the test in my back pocket, "what if i told you..." i grab the test and bring it in front of us, rick's eyes widened, "that i'm pregnant?"

rick opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of lola's voice both caused us to whip our heads towards the doorway, "mom you're pregnant?"

my heart dropped, shit, that's not how i wanted to tell her. her eyes were wide with shock, and her mouth was dropped open, i was unable to speak and only stutter from surprise, "i-"

the sudden sound of a loud crash downstairs both shocked us all, we said or did nothing  other than rush down the stairs to see what the commotion was—great, i wasn't able to get a proper reaction or words out of both the two, i just have to see what happened downstairs and then talk to them.

!gif is of nikki talking to jessie!
whoop whoop
i know it was kinda sudden but i mean i've been planning this since the first chapter lol, i always knew rick and nikki were gonna have theyre own child i just never knew when

i was almost gonna have nikki get pregnant the first time rick and her got together, but then decided not to lol

but ayee
nikki's preggo:)

but ayee nikki's preggo:)

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