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the plan, well, i don't know. it was crazy, and risky. but the whole group discussed it, and it's what we're gonna do. it's what we have to do, defend, and protect our own. just like we always have when the world came to an end.
as i loaded me and lola's stuff into into the green hyundai i noticed rick tried to talk to carl, but he just shunned him. carl wasn't pleased with this decision, and i understand. but since lola's going with him and the others, she'll feel secure with him especially.
"hey daryl?" i call to him, he was near his bike, and just got done talking with carol. daryl comes over to me and nods, wondering what i wanted. i placed a hand on his shoulder, "daryl, you do know that you do so much more for the group than you think, right? we wouldn't be here without you. really."
he nods, "yeah. uh, thanks." he replied, the sadness from the death of merle was clear in his eyes, and i felt bad. even though merle was an asshole, he didn't deserve what he got. and to me, he'll be remembered as someone who helped out the group in different ways.
when daryl walked away i decided to go over to rick, and rehearse the plan with him for confirmation. "hey." rick gave me a reassuring nod and placed his hand on my shoulder, "you can do this. you're strong nik, and your girl will be fine."
i nod in response, trying to avoid eye contact with him as i felt my stomach start to churn again, "okay, thanks rick." and then i walked away towards the cellblock, letting rick's grip slip away. when i was going in, glenn was coming out.
"hey." he smiles, "you'll do just fine, okay?"
i nod in response, "you too. keep your calm."
glenn sends me an assuring smile before walking out. when i went into the tombs of the prison, i had a bag filled with smoke bombs. and carol had the others. our job was simple, we just couldn't get caught.
(the scene where the governor and the others go farther into the prison and they're ambushed inside)
i stood in the corner of a random cell i took cover in. it felt like ages just waiting for the group to come through here, but they finally did. i heard them all murmuring to each other, and their footsteps louder than they thought. i unleashed the hook from the smoke can and threw it out onto the hallway.
the smoke bomb exploded, and soon more went off from carol along with the alarms blaring in my ears. i could hear them screaming and shouting in panic, they were scared, it was easy to tell. gunshots went off, since i'm guessing daryl and michonne released the walkers from down the hallway. i could hear someone shouting for them to get down, and to get out fast.