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all the remaining of us were gathered in the cafeteria, loading magazines, cleaning guns, sorting them into piles next to the bullets they needed. rick, daryl, and hershel decided to ride out to a warehouse to try and make amends with the governor, and i'm not saying i don't support it, i just wish that asshole was dead.
carl went over to one of the shelves and grabbed a water bottle, he unscrewed the cap before starting to chug it.
lola immediately reacted and yanked the bottle out of his hand, sending some water to fly all over the two, "did you know that consuming too much water can kill you? so stop drinking it all, you imbecile!"
"it wasn't even that much!" carl argues back, sending her an annoyed glare. lola scoffs as she screws the cap back on, "watch when we all die of dehydration because you decide it's a good idea to drink it all! and then when we die you'll be left alone with judith and you will most likely die because of your stupid actions!"
me and maggie exchange eye contact, the both of us trying not to laugh. i swear they fight like siblings. glenn calls over carl, who shakes off his argument with lola, and takes a pack of bullet glenn hands him, "you stash these at the loading dock, all right?"
he turns to beth and hands her two boxes of rounds, "beth, put more up on the catwalk. if anyone gets pinned down we need to make sure they have plenty of ammo." he grabs a blowtorch and heavy duty gloves, "i'll go work on the cage outside."
as glenn started to move towards the exit, merle spoke up, "what we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in the truck and paying a visit to the governor. we know where he is right now."
"you're suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" glenn asks with disbelief, an eyebrow raised. "yeah, i am."
"we told rick and daryl we'd stay put." michonne told him sternly, sending the redneck a glare. "i've changed my mind, sweetheart. being on the sideline with my brother out there, ain't sitting right with me."
"the three of them are sitting right in the middle of it, no idea we're coming. they could get taken or killed! a thousand things could go wrong."
"and they will." merle says as he leaned against the gate. "my dad can take care of himself." care retorts as he headed towards the exit with glenn. "sorry son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon."
"don't you speak to him that way." i snap at merle, starting to loading more ammo in the magazine, damn piece of shit is getting on my nerves, just like he always has. before he went on a run to atlanta with the others he always felt the need to bother and annoy the group, and just when we thought he'd be gone forever here he comes back with his sensitive jokes and racist humor.
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"hey! you're not going."
"i don't need permission."
i entered their cafeteria, seeing merle loading guns into a brown duffel bag, with maggie and lola standing off to the sidelines while glenn and merle argued. i shake my head in annoyance, cant this piece of shit just listen for once? he's not using his head correctly.
"i can't let you." glenn firmly insists.
"you can't stop me."
"if you're gonna live here with us, it's gonna be on our terms." i told merle sternly. merle ignored me and grabbed the bag, going to turn around when maggie added to my statement, agreeing with me, "if michonne can do it, why can't you?"
glenn was standing guard at the door, blocking merle's way. i noticed that michonne had just came in after me. "cause it's my brother out there, that's why!" merle fires back with his scratchy voice, "—what's the matter with y'all?"
he went to go up the stairs when he noticed glenn was in his way. "i'm not gonna let you put them in danger." glenn stated harshly.
"nut up already, boy. this guy cops a feel of your woman, and you pussy out like this? get outta my way."
glenn shakes his head, maturely ignoring merle's last statement, "no."
merle grabs ahold of glenn's arm, which causes glenn to wrap his arms around his waist and body slam him, both of them rolling down the stairs, grunting in frustration. i gasp in surprise. merle lands on top of him, maggie and i react immediately.
as merle shoved his stump with a knife attached to it in glenn's face, i wrap my arm around his stump and with all my might yank it away from glenn. maggie puts him in a chokehold while michonne grabs his other arm, all of us screaming and shouting for merle to get off of glenn.
as merle resisted we held him back, but a sudden sound of a gunshot makes us all jump in surprise. we slowly start to release our grip to look and see where it came from. it was beth, who held a stern look as dust came flying down from the new hole in the roof.
without saying a word, beth sends us all a glare before going back into the cells.