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seconds went by as we all stood awkwardly behind the traincar for cover. we were stuck, and confused on what to do. now that there were walkers everywhere, there were the people too trying to save this place for what it was. "stay here." rick states in an authoritative manner, running behind an abandoned car for cover.
rick must not know me very well, because if it means he could possibly be in danger, or needs backup, that's where i'll be by his side no matter what. the gunners started to pass with their big guns—but too focused ahead of them to see us creeping around.
that's when i saw, a walker was coming up behind rick, and he didn't seem to notice. shit. i waved for the boys to follow me, i did a quiet run over there, my knife held high and ready to strike. just as the walker was about to attack rick, i pike it quickly in the skull, taking cover next to him, the boys were right on my tail.
rick gives me a nod, and i smiled like a whipped idiot. "stay here." he whispers to us all, giving me a kiss on my forehead. i had no idea what he was doing, but i went with it.
he took out a guy that was further behind the other gunners, and raided his gun, one identical to mines. he then proceeded to rapid fire on the others ahead, taking the rest out. he gave us a nod, signaling for us to follow him, and we did.
so we did, we just ran, and didn't look back. we watched each other's back while getting closed in on walkers on our way to the traincar. we fought to get back to our group, not because we wanted to, but we had to.
smoke infiltrated the air from nearby fires, buildings were burning, and walkers were everywhere. but we still did it. we still fought.
rick pried open the door whilst me and the boys fought off the walkers that got too close. when i glanced at rick i saw that he had managed to get open the door, and as soon as he did he continued to rapid fire on walkers, "c'mon! we fight to the fence!"
our friends all piled out, right after maggie came lola, and i pulled her into a quick hug. "you okay, baby?" i ask her in concern, and she nods in response. quickly, with her by my side, we fought to the fence with the others.
we ran along the fence and killed any walkers that got in our way. finally, we found a compromised part, a blanket was over the fence, so one by one we jumped over it as quick as possible.
for me it was hard, my ribs were hurting, and my muscles were strained. but i pushed myself up and over. once everyone was over the fence, we all broke off into another jog further into the woods.
relief ran through my veins, finally we were out of that place. after going deeper into the woods, we all slowed down to walking.
"hey? are you okay?" i hear maggie query with concern, i look over and see her next to me, eyes filled with worry. "yeah, i'm fine. why?" i answer answer with a casual tone, she probably noticed my eye. it still hurt like a bitch, and blood was smeared on my face from whatever happened.
when the group came to the stop randomly i saw that daryl and rick were digging back up the bag of weapons we left earlier. maggie turns me toward her, and she checks out my eye.
"we're gonna need to clean that with somethin'—it could get infected. but with that swelling eye is a cut, and it's deep. you're gonna need stitches for that."
i sigh in annoyance, well that's just great. i don't wanna be vulnerable to the group, where they'll have to risk their lives to get me medicine. my thoughts were interrupted when i heard maggie speak again, only it was to rick, "the fences are down—they'll run or die."
i realized that rick wanted to finish them all, but we got out. the smartest thing to do is just make our way to wherever, go back out on the roads again is what we should do. find supplies, and keep moving. rick looked to us for answers, only our discussion was cut short where i saw daryl running to—carol?!
i felt joy explode inside of me, my smile was unbearable to hide. she was here, alive. i had my doubts if she even was still alive, but she is, and she's here. we all shared a sweet, heartfelt moment.
exchanging hugs with the woman who had just recently saved us. if it weren't for her, all the boys would be dead. even me, everyone in that traincar. carol, is the reason we're still going. so, let's make the best of it.