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i was sitting at the cafeteria of c cellblock, typically our groups block, the ones before woodbury's town joined us. judith was sitting in her high chair squealing and jumping with a huge smile on her face, and it made my heart feel good seeing her smile.
everyone else was doing their own thing, and i just had a conversation with maggie and michonne a couple hours ago, it felt good since we did it daily, but we miss having carol with us.
i held the spoon up to her mouth, "open, babygirl!" i say in a cheerful expression, and judith giggles before taking the spoonful into her mouth. i hope i'm making lori proud, taking care of her baby just like she asked. "so you're her mother now, huh?"
at the unexpected and familiar voice i whip around, seeing lola with a huge smile on her face. she's out! "oh my god." i gasp, setting the spoon down on the table before jumping up and bringing her into a hug.
"you're out?!" i question with surprise as i stroke my fingers through her hair, hugging her tight. she just laughs, and i pull away, taking in her beautiful futures. "i missed you, baby." i tell her truthfully, it was hard being away from her for so long.
"so." she starts, going and sitting down beside judith, and i joined her. "carl told me that you and rick went out for a drive yesterday, and you came back this morning." she says with a taunting tone, a smirk growing on her face as she started playing with a nearby spoon on the table.
i felt a blush rising on my face, and i tried to hide it but she caught it immediately. she gasps with excitement, "so something did happen!"
i roll my eyes, pending on what to say to her, so i just decided to tell her the truth. "me and rick." i took in a deep breath, "may or may have admitted—our feelings for each other yesterday."
her eyes grow wide and her face just exploded with shock and happiness. she starts jumping up and down with her fists pumped up in the air, "yesssss!" i just start laughing and take judith out of her high chair. lola finally calms down, "so are you and rick—like, together now? like boyfriend and girlfriend?"
i shrug, not really sure, "i guess you could say that." with judith chilling on my lap, i grab lola's hand, "but i don't want you to be—i don't know, upset? i don't want you hurt or feel like i'm forgetting your dad, baby."
lola just scoffs, "dad would be proud of you, mom—that you're moving on, it's what he'd want. he wouldn't want you holding onto him. of course don't forget dad but—honor him, and live for him."
i give lola an assuring smile, tucking a piece of her thick hair behind her ear. "how'd i get so lucky with you?" i ask her rhetorically. she just chuckles, "i don't know you tell me-"