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me and lola sat at one of the picnic tables, having a casual conversation

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me and lola sat at one of the picnic tables, having a casual conversation. she was drawing another bird, a dove specifically, she loves birds for some random reason. i sat on the bench across from her, scanning the courtyard ahead of us, man, i won't lie, it was beautiful.

yesterday after my breakdown i snuck out of the prison and killed about twenty walkers, it felt good again, knowing that used to be our daily routine almost two months ago, it's just crazy to think about. and what i mean is, a couple months ago we were on the road day and night, always having to run, always low on food, and always tired. rationing was hard and we always had to stop ourselves from eating too much than what we were supposed to.

we had lost many others and fought a battle against thirty people. and now, we're here, in a community, constantly stocked on food, ammo, supplies, so it's just—crazy to think about.

"i saw you running." i hear lola tell me. i snap my head towards her, an eyebrow raised in confusion, "what?"

she just chuckled as she stopped shading in between the lines, looking up at me.

"i mean you running from rick. i didn't feel like doing story time anymore so i decided to go out here and draw, that's when i saw you sprinting away from rick and he was jogging to catch up. what the hell was that?"

i just shrug, unsure what to reply to her, "well...he tried to come over to me, and i ran away." i bluntly explain to her. "why?" she curiously asks, her head jerking back in confusion. i was about to reply when suddenly echoes of gunshots started firing somewhere in the building.

me and lola immediately jump up in reflex, and that's when rick started sprinting across the patio. "the hells going on?!" i shout as i unexpectedly meet the others near C.

"walkers in d!" glenn shouts as him and carol start making their way over there.

"what about c?!" rick screams as he comes up behind me, i felt my breath hitch in surprise that he was this close to me, but that didn't matter now, we had a bigger crisis to death with than how i felt about him. daryl, tyreese, and sasha come running out. "clear! we locked the gates to the tombs, hershel's on guard."

"it ain't a breach." daryl adds. in frantic, i whip around to face lola, i grabbed her hand as both of us ran to the courtyard, where carl and maggie would be. i was gonna take her to the tower while i joined the others in cellblock D, but immediately i was caught off guard.

as soon as we got there michonne was desperately trying to fend off walkers in front of the gate. carl grabbed a rifle from off to the side, and knowing rick not wanting carl to have a gun, i took it out of his hands. i raised the gun, trying to find a good enough shot.

that's when michonne managed to kick a walker off of her, i immediately pulled the trigger, letting the bullet pierce though it's rotten skull. maggie comes busting through the door from the guard tower, pulling open the gate as i lowered the rifle.

michonne flipped a walker right of off her, somehow resulting in hurting her ankle. i shove the rifle into lola's chest, signaling to take it. immediately, she take it out of my grasp. maggie shoots the walker stuck on one of the spears, going to help michonne.

as carl took the horse, i grabbed michonne's arm and pulled it over my neck, maggie did the same. as quick as we could, we helped michonne through the gates, and as soon as we got in, lola shut them as fast. "you guys okay?" i ask both the girls, who were two of my three main ladies now.

maggie nods, and michonne replies with an irritated expression, "i'm so damn stupid."

i just scoff, "no you aren't, at least you ain't dead, or that woulda been stupid." as we continued helping a hobbling michonne up the dirt pathway, the kids walked beside us. another accident, great.

running, as fast as my feet could take me against the slippery gravel, i made it my current mission to get to the leaning gate with walkers

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running, as fast as my feet could take me against the slippery gravel, i made it my current mission to get to the leaning gate with walkers. since me and maggie were the first to get there, i took the crowbar i had in my hands and jammed it into a walkers skull.

for about a minute as the six of us tried our hardest to kill as many as we could, they just kept coming. the metal gates rattled constantly, the snarls and growls of the walkers over clapped each other, and some started to climb others to get over the gate.

suddenly, the walkers on the one part of the gate started to intensify. "this part of the fence, now!" maggie shouts, and we all joined together and started to pike them, only it wasn't enough.with both my hands and all my strength, i started to push the gate back with the others, fear was pumping into my heart, we're gonna need a lot of guns to kill these many fuckers.

"everybody back!" daryl shouts as he grabs my shoulder, pulling me away from the gate as fast as he could. all of us stood side by side, looking as the walkers bunched up on each other. we were desperate for a plan.

when i looked to rick to see any ideas, awkward eye contact was instantly made. "daryl, get the truck." rick orders, looking away from me and at daryl, "the rest of you, kill as many as you can from here, we can not let this fence go down."

daryl nods, and him and rick start sprinting back towards the stationed cars. all of us got back together and started to kill the walkers as many as we could, this is really bad.

!gif is of nikki thinking about what happened!

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