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it was the early morning after everything, and what happened last night—i know it's gonna stay with us forever

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it was the early morning after everything, and what happened last night—i know it's gonna stay with us forever. i know that it's something that's gonna stay with us for the rest of our lives. me, michonne, and carl were almost raped, and all of us together—almost murdered. that's not something we're just gonna forget about.

carl and lola were sleeping in the trunk behind me and michonne, and me and her just held each other's hand tightly for comfort. we were listening to daryl and rick's conversation, not eavesdropping wise, but, we really had no choice.

i could hear rick trembling when he talked, he, in ways, was traumatized by what he did last night. but me and rick—hadn't had a proper conversation since yesterday before everything, and i think now i should talk to him. it's probably best.

i let go of michonne's hand and climbed out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me. i felt the chilled air hit my exposed skin, i shivered.

when both daryl and rick looked up at me, daryl took the hint i needed to talk to rick. he stood up from the ground, going to walk away when i caught his arm. confused, he slowly turned around, and that's when i brought him into a quick hug. looking up at his sorrow eyes, i cupped his cheek, placing a platonic kiss on top of his forehead, "we're glad you're back."

daryl gave me a small, but quick smile before heading towards the front of the car. after a few seconds of taking in a couple breaths, i took a seat on the concrete next to rick, who just stared into the abyss. to bring him out of it, i grabbed his hand that was covered in dried blood, but that didn't concern me, what concerned me was rick.

he gulped, "i-i'm sorry—for doing that in front of you." he apologizes lowly, letting his head swing down in shame. i shook my head, placing my two fingers on his chin and bringing his gaze to mine.

for a couple seconds we just stared into each other's eyes, unsure of what to say until he spoke up, "to me, this is funny, y'know? just two weeks ago you wouldn't even talk to me."

i just chuckle, a small smile tugging at my lips, "well that was two weeks ago, this is now." i paused, "thinking about it now, i realized that last night, it reminded me a lot of—y'know? stranded on the side of the road, no gas, nighttime, no where to go, that remind you of something?"

rick starts to laugh lowly, and seeing him smile made my heart explode, seeing him smile—it made me feel good, he deserves happiness, we all do. "i never expected us to get here." rick tells me with a exhale, "i mean—i expected the prison would be our home, guess i was wrong on that."

i just shrug, "well, life has a plan for us, so we're just gonna have to play along and go with it." i tell rick. he turns his head to look at me, a small smile tugging at his lips, "you're so beautiful you know that? i ain't gonna let you go." i blush at rick's words, and to hide it i bury my face into his shoulder, i heard him laughing at my embarrassment.

me and rick—is something i never expected to happen, but it did. this is our plan for life i guess. i tried so hard to suppress on how i felt about rick, but it didn't work, and it felt good that i didn't have to hide how i felt towards him—because now, i'm feeling truly okay.

!gif is of nik when rick compliments her!

-!gif is of nik when rick compliments her!

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