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the infirmary door flew open just in time as me, rick holding an unconscious carl, michonne, lola, and kenzie piled into the house. "this is a gunshot?" denise questions with quick observation as rick laid carl down on the gourney.
"gunshot—close range!" michonne answers as i slam the door shut behind us. as denise started checking out carl's eye rick stumbled back, begging for our son to be saved in a zoned out state. my heart hurt, it didn't feel real, same as it did for shane, karleen, and lori. but this feels different, it's hurting more.
i look to kenzie and lola, lola was shaking her head in denial as tears fell down her cheeks, she stood by carl's side holding his limp hand while kenzie was next to her. seeing lola like this hurt, looking at carl with a missing eye scared me too, she must feel much worse about how he is right now considering she was closer to him, but he's gonna be okay, i just know it.
"girls take the sheets off—it's okay now." i tell them, taking off mine as well. i felt relief removing the heavy bed sheet, yet only now my flannel was soaked in blood, and i was covered in sweat.
"rick it's okay." i reassure him as i gently remove the bed sheet off of his body. he was still in a zoned out state, shaking his head in denial over carl. his hair was drenched in sweat, and walker blood stains covered each different sections of his shirt.
"rick." i repeat in a more stern tone, hoping i could snap him out of it. he didn't say anything, he moved to the windows and peeks through the blinds. i shouldn't bother him now, he's not doing okay obviously. i move back towards the girls, noticing denise was starting on carl's eye with sutures and michonne was helping her.
i shake my head with a panicked breath as i quickly throw off my blue flannel, leaving me in my black tank top. as i drop my flannel to the floor, i couldn't help but notice in this tough situation that i had a small baby bump, wow—i really am pregnant, this is real.
i was snapped out of my small trance by the sounds of michonne and lola calling rick, when i look to him i see a glimpse of him walking out the front door just before he slammed it shut. my heart dropped, and my eyes widened in shock. he's gonna be out there—alone, fighting those things. i yank my axe out from my belt loop, glancing back at the others who stared at me with confusion on what my intentions were.
of course i care i'm pregnant, but i won't cower away while my husband—the father of my children is out there fighting out his anger like a dumbass. i get a tighter grip on my axe, placing my hand on the doorknob, lola was quick to speak up, "mom—no! you're pregnant!"