3. A good day

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~Seven Years Later~

"I mean it (y/n), if your ass isn't out of bed and in the car in 15 minutes, I am leaving without you!" I groan as Uncle Zawa shouts up the stairs.

Maybe I can give myself a little more time...

"And no freezing me! We will be late!"


I sigh and jump out of bed. My muscles are a bit sore from last night's training, but otherwise I feel pretty good. I accelerate my pace just a bit with my quirk, so I am clean, dressed, and ready to go in under five minutes. I hear my uncle's signature chuckle as I make my way into the kitchen.

"I should have expected it, but you shouldn't be using your quirk right now. You'll need all of your energy and strength later," he says while he literally throws a glass plate of blueberry pancakes at me. I slow it down with my quirk so I can catch it before it has the chance to smack me in the face.

"Hypocrite," I mutter under my breath, but he still hears me and chuckles again. I scarf down the food while Uncle Zawa pours coffee in two to go cups and we both make our way out to the car.

"Are you nervous?" He asks, glancing at me while he drives.

"No. Should I be?" I ask sincerely. He has told me many times that I am ready for this exam and will pass with flying colors, but every time he follows it up with, 'but you can always wait until you're older!'

"No, but there will be hundreds of other people there, all of them around four years older than you. You'll pass the test, I'm sure, but I worry about how you'll interact with others." I nod and think about what he said. It is true that I don't have much experience with other people, especially people around my age.

Uncle Zawa tried to get me to make friends when I was younger with some of his colleagues' children, but that was, well, disastrous. The ones I didn't scare or make cry were confused by me and never wanted to play with me again. Uncle says I need to act my own age, but I'd rather not be a blubbering idiot enraptured by something just because it's shiny and new. Children are annoying and stupid and they grow into annoying and stupid adults, that is all there is to it. Uncle says I'm stuck up. He is probably right.

It isn't long before we are parked at the testing arena. As we make our way to the building, I can see hundreds of people trying to push their way inside. I sigh, people really are stupid. My uncle chuckles behind me, correctly interpreting my thoughts.

"SHOOOOOTAAAAAA!" I hear someone call and look around to see... a clown woman? Maybe not a full clown. Uncle Zawa groans loudly in exasperation. He places a hand on my shoulder, preventing my escape from this situation.

"Joke." He says rather coldly as the brightly dressed woman approaches us.

"What are you doing here Eraser?! I thought you didn't have any students ready for the test!" She says while laughing and slapping him repeatedly on the back. I narrow my eyes at this woman, not liking her very much.

"I don't." Uncle replies and the woman's eyes sparkle with delight.

"I knew it!" She screams, pumping one fist into the air while the other snakes around Uncle's free wrist, pulling him. "I knew the day would come when you'd see the light! You came to sweep me off my feet! Come on, there's a chapel not too far from-"

"No, Joke. Just shut up for a second." The woman stops speaking and lets Uncle go but doesn't lose her smile.

You are barking up the wrong tree, lady.

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