50. TGIF

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I rub my eyes with as much pressure as I can take before opening the doors to the gym. The room seems to be empty when I enter it, so I take this brief moment to myself to lean against the wall and seethe.

Along with the uncontrollable urges I've been having since Insight appeared, I've also developed an ever-increasing pounding in my skull. All of this mental strain is one thing, I could probably handle it if it was just that, but not being able to sleep properly or even see Katsuki as well may literally end up killing me. Thinking about everything that has happened this week leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and an ache in my heart.

The moment I appeared in Katsuki's hotel room after the first night's patrol, I knew I had to leave, but I couldn't. He sat up in bed upon sensing my arrival, the blanket fell off his bare torso, and I was acutely aware of all sense leaving me as my mouth watered and my vision blurred. I don't know if I couldn't stop myself, or if I just didn't want to, but the next thing I knew, I was halfway on the bed and unzipping the front of my suit. Rather than try to stop me, Katsuki leapt off the bed and ran into the bathroom.

The shock and sting of watching Katsuki run away from me as though his life depended on it shook me out of the lust fueled trance that just seeing his body caused. After that, I left, and I haven't been back.

 We talked on the phone at first, but that didn't work either. Just hearing his voice seems to be enough to send my mind racing, but the deep, raspy tone he uses sometimes is almost as bad as him standing half-naked in front of me. So, we've been texting non-stop, but it's just making me angrier.

Uncle Zawa hasn't been much help either. I had to tell him about the new mishaps with Katsuki when I went home to sleep. He was not pleased to say the least. After expressing himself for quite sometime about the dangers of being irresponsible given my current situation, he transitioned into demanding to know everything going on with me and Tamaki. He refused to believe me when I said 'nothing' repeatedly.

 I don't need to think about these things for too long before I find myself wanting to break something.

If I wasn't so fucking tired, I may actually be excited about training today.

Stop being such a grouch.

Shut up.

A weird mental argument with an apparent separate version of myself is not what I need to help with this headache. 

Don't be rude.

Please shut up?

Oh, you think you're clever now?


"(Y/N)?" My eyes pop open in surprise. Tamaki is standing close by, looking anxious.

You know, it is a little frustrating that he is so pretty. I mean, it's just not fair.

I sigh heavily out of my nose and restrain myself from beating my head against the wall.

YOU are frustrating! I shout in my head while rubbing my temples.

All of this self-loathing is really bad for your complexion.

"AAARRRRGGH!!" I scream out loud, and Tamaki jumps back several feet, looking more unsure than ever.

"I'm sorry!" Tamaki gasps out. "I'll leave. I shouldn't have expected you to want my company right now," he says and turns resolutely back to the door.

What are you doing?! Stop him!!

"Tamaki, wait!" I call after him, and he turns back to face me. "I do want your company, it's just this." I make frantic motions towards my head to indicate what I mean. 'It's her. I'm still not used to it." He gives me a small smile and nods.

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