25. The morning after

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Katsuki didn't come to bed last night. I know because I barely slept, and when I did, it was interrupted by nightmares, both old and new. My parents' mangled corpses were there, of course, but so was an incredible light and a terrible ache in my heart. I knew these last things had to do with Katsuki. I'm losing him. I'm losing everything we have because I wasn't strong enough to control my own quirk, to realize what was happening. I internally scold myself for ignoring Insight all these years, for being weak, as I get ready for the day. I haven't seen Katsuki yet, and I don't really expect to, but I obviously held out a little bit of hope that he would be waiting for me because my heart sinks when Mitsuki tells me he has already left.

I use spacetime to get to school which puts me there 40 minutes before the start of homeroom. Leaving a note for Uncle Zawa in case I'm late, I head to see Recovery Girl. I don't really want to tell anyone else about last night, or relive the experience for myself, but she might be able to help, and I know she won't judge me. On my way to her office a sense of familiarity washes over me and makes me look up. Katsuki is coming down the hall opposite me, also looking at the floor. He raises his head right after I do and stops his progression forward.

"H-hey, Hot Stuff," I say weakly. Katsuki and I both flinch at the sound of my voice. I sound like a little kid who's been kicked down repeatedly by the world and finally lost the strength to stand back up. He doesn't say anything but looks away and continues walking forward. I can feel the heat returning to my eyes as my vision blurs from tears. Before they have a chance to fall, however, Katsuki's arms wrap around me and pull me forcefully into him. I cling to him like a lifeline, and right now, that is exactly what he is to me. My body shakes with unshed tears as I hold them back and Katsuki makes soothing noises in my ear.

"I'll get stronger, Cupcake. I promise. I won't do this to you again," he whispers, confusing me. I'm the one who needs to get stronger, I'm the one who did something bad. Before I can ask what he means, he pulls away from me and heads down the hall, not looking back. I feel unsteady on my feet, my heart aching painfully. I lean against the wall and think it might just be better to sit for a minute rather than try to continue on.

"Here," two hands reach out and grip under my elbows, one hot and one cold, "let me help you."

"Thanks, Shoto," I say, not needing to look at the dual haired boy to know it's him. "How did you know I was here?" I ask. It is still very early after all.

"I was heading to class when Bakugo told me to come give you hand." I frown a little.

"He did?" I ask, his words not making any sense.

"Yes, I was confused as well. I would have assumed he would be here helping you, but after looking at him, he doesn't seem to be that well off himself," Shoto says, clearly hoping for an explanation as to our equally haggard appearances.

"He doesn't?" I had only briefly glanced at him and that was through tear filled eyes. I guess I didn't see him properly.

"(Y/N), what happened?" He asks finally as he helps me walk down the hall. I sigh.

"It's a long story Shoto, one I'd rather not get into right now if that's okay." I turn to glance at him, showing him my full face for the first time. His expression looks somewhat strained when he sees me, but he nods.

"If he hurt you-"

"No, no. It's nothing like that," I cut him off, feeling a mix of warmth and anger towards the boy. It's sweet that he would stick up for me, but to think that Katsuki would ever, could ever, hurt me is just insane. "I just had a bit of a mishap with my quirk last night, and I'm still feeling it," I say, hoping to appease his curiosity and keep his suspicions off Katsuki. He nods, taking my half truth for what it is as his eyes still hold skepticism.

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