21. Odd birds

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After dropping Katsuki off at our classroom, I greet our new friends and Uncle Zawa and make my way to the support course wing for my first class with Mr. Power Loader. Loud bangs and smoke coming out from the door catch my attention as I approach the room.

"Not to worry!" A high pitched but aggressive sounding female yells from the other side right before an explosion blows the door off of its hinges and straight at me. I freeze it before it hits me and use it like a shield until the smoke clears.

"Everyone okay in there?!" I ask as I rush into the room, convinced I'm about to witness some major carnage.

"Fine... we're fine..." coughs out Mr. Power Loader, his small muscular frame shaking while his large hands fan the air in front of him.

"Oh we are more than fine! That one was almost a success!" The female voice from earlier says. I look around and notice a girl around my size lying on the ground, beaming at the chaos around her, a large chunk of metal pinning her to the floor. I move over to her and pry up the metal with the help of Space Time. She jumps up instantly and instead of thanking me or introducing herself, she runs over to an undamaged side table and begins scribbling notes on a blank slip of paper, muttering to herself all the while.

"Hey (y/n)," Power Loader says with an apologetic laugh. "That's Mei Hatsume, she's a first-year student in the support course. I know we were supposed to have one on one lessons, but I can't keep her out of here. I honestly don't think she has left this room since she got here a couple of months ago..." He trails off and looks at the crazy girl in the corner with a hint of admiration. Or, that's what I think it is at least. With his excavator claw helmet on, it's hard to actually see his face. I give him a questioning look, class just started yesterday.

"Support course students run on a different schedule than the rest of the school. They start earlier so they have time to help us develop what we need for the Hero and Business courses. You know, costumes, computer programs, et cetera."

That makes sense.

"I don't mind that she's here, she seems... fun?" I say for lack of a better word making Power Loader laugh.

"Well let's get started. Nezu said you'd be having lessons with me until we are both comfortable letting you study independently so we are just going to make sure you have a good strong foundation for costume and equipment creation and design, sound good?" I nod, a little bummed I won't be getting more advance tutoring, but I understand that I can't take up all of Power Loader's free time, he does have a job to do. "First thing we will do today then is evaluate students' costumes that have already been sent back for repairs or alterations. I want you to explain what we can do to fix the issue so I can see how much you already know." I nod again.

The rest of the hour is spent reviewing costume designs and analyzing their faults or assessing the damage while Mei provides steady background noises of booms and clangs. It isn't too bad, but I am definitely not a prodigy. My knowledge of fabric types, tensile strengths, and metals is severely lacking compared to what it needs to be for the class, but I suppose that is the point of being here, to learn. With only about ten minutes left, Power Loader queued up the next costume that needed adjustments, mine.

"Oh, what problems were you having with your costume, (y/n)? This one was actually one of the best ones that came out of here I thought." The booms and clangs stop, Mei apparently deciding to listen to us rather than continue creating or more likely destroying.

"There are absolutely no problems with my suit. It is perfect so please ignore any requests for alterations. That's probably just Uncle Zawa trying to make it look more like a nun's gown than a second skin." I roll my eyes as Power Loader chortles.

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