30. Happy Birthday

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(A/N) This chapter felt a bit rushed, sorry if it's poo, but I felt obligated to put in a little birthday scene! 


Katsuki wasn't lying when he said the next couple days would be hell. On Friday, he woke me up just as the sun was peaking over the trees by shaking me violently. He handed me a cup of coffee and a plain bacon sandwich, followed by my workout clothes. I grumbled angrily under my breath but complied, eating and dressing quickly in my room while Katsuki shuffled around downstairs. My gear bag was packed fuller than I had ever seen. Katsuki stood against the door dressed in grey exercise shorts and a tight black tank top, drinking a protein shake. He tossed me one and the gear bag which I had to freeze before it could hit me, but I let the drink come. I was admittedly getting better at freezing specific areas even if I still had no control of these new additions to Insight.

I glared at Katsuki before grabbing the bag and unfreezing it. It was heavier than usual, at least 50 pounds. Katsuki helped me fix it tightly to my back, opened the door, and pushed me outside.

"You know, tomorrow is the day when I'm supposed to take all your grief without complaint. So, why are you punishing me today?" I whined as he locked the door behind us.

"You need to get out of the house and out of your fucking head. You need to hit something and train and build your broken confidence back up. That's what you always make me do when I'm feeling shitty, so, that's what we're fucking doing," he said with finality. He began to run away from me and the house and down the path that led to the training grounds.

"Last one there trains with the bag on!" He called back, making me sprint to catch up to him.

The workout was brutal. Katsuki beat me by a second, meaning I spent the next six hours with an extra 50 pounds on my back and sometimes front, only to be taken off when we exchanged weapons or equipment. Katsuki made us do 10 sets of everything in between 5-minute sparring sessions. By lunch time I was drenched in sweat, sore, and starving. Bruises and cuts were already forming all over my arms and legs from getting hit with staffs, batons, wooden swords and knives, rubber bullets, blunted arrows, and whips. Luckily, I was able to block or dodge most attacks that could have been critical, but real bullets and blades would do a lot more damage in a real battle. Katsuki was banged up as well, not being as fast as me even without my quirk. His blows hurt worse though, even if I had fewer than half the amount he had. Katsuki possessed an incredible amount of strength, and while I wasn't a wimp, I just couldn't compare.

For lunch, Katsuki had prepared around 20 meat stuffed rice balls, which left me confused.

"When the hell did you do all this?" I asked, knowing he was still in bed not long before he woke me up.

"Yesterday, before I went back to the hospital," Katsuki answered, finishing his fifth rice ball. I nod, that makes sense.

"Did you try to follow me still?" I eventually asked, curious how long he looked before giving up.

"Yup, but I turned around after I saw where you were," he said, completely unashamed.

"WHAT?! You- you mean you found us?" I am baffled. I thought for sure I would have lost him.

"Yup. Wasn't that hard," he said, gathering up our trash and standing up. "Okay, let's do 30 minutes of stretching and we'll get back to it. This time I-"

"How in the hell did you find us?! I left before you, I got there earlier, we left as soon as I got to the station!" I yelled at him in bewilderment.

"I tracked your phone, dummy," he said simply and my mouth dropped.

"How- when did- HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO TRACK MY PHONE?!" He can't just be able to keep tabs on me 24/7!

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