27. Unexpected guests

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"It's amazing she doesn't have any organ damage from the extreme heat her body endured," Recovery Girl tells me and Loud Mouth. It's been a few hours since we left the USJ. We are standing beside (y/n) and Aizawa's beds, Loud Mouth's face looks as distressed as I feel. "She should be fine after she wakes up, she just needs to rest for now." The old lady sighs and looks at Aizawa. "As for him, well, I won't lie, he is in bad shape, but it could have been so much worse. From what the students have told me, (y/n) was able to get to him not long after it happened. It appears she was able to reverse some of the more extreme damage around his frontal bone and optic canal as well as reduce the swelling in his brain. Because of this, I was able to heal him more effectively than I could have otherwise, and his chances of having full use of his eyes again are much, much greater. And 13 would likely be dead right now without (y/n)'s aid." My eyes widen as I look between the two on the bed. I know she is amazing, I always have, but this is something else. Loud Mouth sniffs loudly as he cries over Aizawa's unconscious form.

"How much longer will she be out?" My voice asks the old lady. I don't really even register wanting to speak.

"Only another hour or two most likely. But, Bakugo..." She begins in a worried voice, making me look away from (y/n) and over to her. "The police have already demanded speaking with her. What she did..."

"She saved everyone's fucking lives. That's what she did," I say, getting angry. What the hell did the police want from her? It's not like she did anything illegal, she has a license for fucks sake!

"Bakugo, that beast the villains brought with them... he was a man." I don't understand her words, but one sticks out.

"What do you mean, was?" I ask, hoping I'm just interpreting her wrong.

"She k- he's dead." Recovery Girl says softly. I can hear the beast's shrieks in my head and know she is telling the truth, no one could survive that much pain.

"So what?" I say, ignoring the ice in my veins. "Heroes kill villains in the line of duty all the time. It tried to kill all of us, and it's not like she did it with her bare hands or anything, it's not like she fucking wanted to kill anyone!" I say, my voice rising. Loud shouts from outside the hall distract the old lady from responding.

"I DON'T CARE! I'M PRACTICALLY HER MOTHER, YOU LET ME SEE HER RIGHT NOW!" I groan as my mom bursts through the door, her purse swinging violently and hitting my dad as they march in the room. She stops abruptly when she sees us, her angry face dissolving into tears and she rushes forward.

"W-what happened? Oh god, oh my sweet girl, what happened?" She cries over (y/n) placing her hand on her forehead as if checking her temperature. I shift a little closer, making sure nothing the Old Hag does will cause (y/n) any pain, but my movement diverts my mom's attention.

"Why the hell didn't you do something?!" She demands of me, making my blood boil and then freeze when my anger turns into agreement. I couldn't do anything.

"He did everything he could have done," a new voice says from the door, cold and emotionless. The half and half bastard walks in, clearly taking advantage of the open door and ignoring the 'family only' policy. "She'd be dead right now if Bakugo hadn't told me what she needed." It looks like this kind of acknowledgement causes him physical pain, but that could just be from seeing (y/n) passed out on the bed. The Old Hag looks between me and icy hot in understanding.

"You- you must be Shoto Todoroki," she says while sniffling. "(Y/N) told me about you, she's right, you are quite handsome." Both mine and icy hot's faces go red, but I assume his flush isn't from rage like mine. "Thank you for helping save her. It was your ice, right?" He nods. I click my tongue and turn from the two of them.

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