42. Darkshines

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(A/N) - Long and probably confusing. Hopefully everything will be clarified in the next few chapters and it all ties together. Comment if you have any questions or things just don't make sense! Also, 5,000 reads?!?! THANKS EVERYONE!!!! 🖤🖤🖤


Noburu stayed well into the night to explain his plan and answer our questions. Everything that has happened over the last few days left me drained and by the end of it, I didn't really feel anything anymore. No shock that my quirk picked my best friend for me to spend the rest of my life with until we, inevitably, shut everyone out and lose our minds. That much is almost a relief. At least I have an inkling of why I can't control Insight whenever Katsuki is around. It is more than just me being weak and incapable if not even my mother could fight it. Even the knowledge that I have two living grandparents who are able and willing to teach me how to use my abilities didn't really stir up any feelings of anticipation or anxiety. Not until we readied ourselves for bed did any emotion come to me.

"So, what do you think?" Katsuki asks in a throaty voice as he changes into his pajamas. I turn away from him and do the same, taking time to think about my answer. As I pull my shirt down, he puts his hands on my shoulders and spins me around. "I think we should talk about this, Cupcake." I sigh, knowing he is right.

"I don't really know what there is to say. Nothing is really any different, right? The only thing is now we know it's more than just our friendship at stake here if I lose control." Katsuki scrunches his face.

"Yeah. I guess so," he grumbles. Katsuki is pensive as we get into bed and turn off the lights, and when he wraps his arm around my waist, I can feel how tense he is.

"Do you really think that would happen to us if we were together though?" He whispers in my ear so softly that I could convince myself he said nothing at all.

"I don't know," I answer, my body now as tense as his. "I suppose it's possible it wouldn't be." My blood pumps audibly in my veins as I wait for him to say something else.

"I don't think it would be the same," he says confidently. "Your parents had only just met, and your dad was already with someone else, right? That had to be part of the reason for them.... you know."

"Going insane?"

"Yeah... I mean, we already spend all of our time together if we can, we already love each other, no one would be breaking up an already existing family." His words come out hesitantly, almost like he is forcing them out of his mouth, and my breath stops in my throat.

"What are you saying, Katsuki?" I manage to choke out as my neck burns.

"I..." He pauses and pulls me closer with the arm around my middle. "I'm just saying that if something were to happen, if for some reason you couldn't get your quirk in check or something, that... well, that maybe it wouldn't as bad as they are making it seem." I breathe again. This makes sense. For a second I thought he was suggesting that we just disregard it all, the warnings my uncle and Noburu gave us, our friendship, our individual futures.

"Maybe. I would hope that would be the case if something happened, but I hope it never comes to that." Katsuki's grip around my waist loosens immediately like he is about to move positions, but I grab his arm and keep him in place. "I could never forgive myself if my own shortcomings took away your choices... your life. You may be right about us being different, but, god, I hope we never have to take that risk." His arm tightens back around me as he exhales deeply against my neck.

"Yeah," he responds gruffly. "Night, Cupcake."

Long after Katsuki's uneven breaths become deep and steady, I lie awake thinking about our conversation. This is what we wanted, our relationship to remain unchanged. It's not like we are going to stop being around each other and my quirk and my mother's history gives us the perfect reason to make sure it never progresses. But the thought of not even having the option later makes me feel like I have worms in my stomach. I try to image us in the future, what it would be like if we were married to other people, but it's hard to picture someone else being as prominent a figure in my life.

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