4. Highs and lows

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After passing the provisional licensing exam, I could not help but give my Uncle a step by step replay of everything that happened, even though he was there for the entire thing. I haven't been this excited about anything ever before.

I can finally help people. I'm on my way...

Uncle Zawa didn't seem to mind listening to me gush. It was certainly a new experience for the both of us, but it was a nice change of pace as we scarfed down our dumplings and ramen. Uncle's slight but constant smile told me I was right in this thought. After I finished explaining how we managed to rescue the very last person, I remembered something.

"I didn't get a score..." Only four people failed the last part of the test, but even they were issued a slip of paper containing their scores.

"I have it," Uncle said, pulling out an envelope. "You don't need to see it." Instantly my heart dropped.

Did I only just pass? I thought I did so well.

"Fine," Uncle said in a bored voice after seeing my dejected face. "But don't think about it too much, okay? There is more to being a hero than some score." I took the envelope and opened it with a shaky hand. I knew the points were out of 100 so I was shocked when I couldn't find an actual number score. Instead, the paper was full of comments from the judges' panel and the 'injured civilians' on site.

'Miss (l/n) showed level headedness and leadership beyond her years. Her aptitude for rescue is on par with the majority of today's pros and even surpassing others.'

'I was slightly terrified when I opened my eyes and found myself free from a collapsing building and being treated without any recollection of how I got there. However, the shock from experiencing Miss (l/n)'s quirk was quickly overshadowed by her calm and caring nature as she evaluated my injuries.'

'My only criticism is that she should have been given this license sooner. The world needs more capable heroes. I am looking forward to the day when Miss (l/n)'s hero name will be known throughout Japan.'

These comments continued on a second page, all of them the same. I felt my mouth fall open.

"You didn't make a single mistake kid. You worked with every person there, taking the lead but not being commanding and listening to your fellow heroes. You figured out the best strategy and deployed it, and I am happy to say, your ability to communicate with others has drastically improved." My mouth shut with a snap as I shot my uncle a playful glare.

"Wish yours would," I mumbled at him, causing him to chuckle.

"Seriously though. You did a great job. I am proud of you." My eyes started to burn from his words of praise. Uncle Zawa wasn't one to dish out compliments just to make someone feel better or stroke their egos, so this, coming from him, meant the world to me.

"So..." I began, giving him a mischievous smile and instantly making him suspicious. "Does this mean I can go out on patrols with you now?" We both grinned.

"Legally you mean?" My grin fell.

"Uhh, what do you mean?" I asked, innocently.

"I know you have been following me on my patrols for quite a while now, (y/n)," he said somewhat stern, and I started to sweat.

"I was just wor-"

"I know you were worried." He cut me off. "But as you have undoubtedly seen while you were stalking me, I am capable of handling myself." I felt him staring at me while I looked down at my lap.

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